Monday, October 24, 2011

Changing an old boiler and updating fuse electical panel?

Upgrading electrical and boiler system?

Need help! I need to know how much approixmately and any challenges or other useful info. Looking at buying old house, almost 100 yrs old. It has the old electrical system with fuses, I would like to have that changed. Is the house not up to code if I don't? Could i do it myself? Also it has a very old, very huge boiler system, I beleive it is natural gas. Should I just change it to a new boiler system? Nothing fancy. Anyone know the cost of that, work involved? Could I do that myself legally? Thanks to anyone who can help me.Changing an old boiler and updating fuse electical panel?Sounds as if you are in the UK. If so, you cannot touch the gas - not even plug the oven into the gas supply - without being Corgi registered. It is illegal.

Your electrics should be replaced. If you don't know a small local trusted firm, ask your friends and colleagues. Then ask the contractor for names and addresses of people he has done work for.

It is a case of priorities - and budget. But personally I would sooner have plenty of power points in every room than an expensive carpet in the lounge. That can come later. If you get the carpet first, it will have to be moved when you update your electricity.

Remember, once the rewiring is being done, then power points work out at a couple of quid each. So get as many as you can, on as many walls in each room as you can afford.

And get some placed at waist height for the vacuum cleaner. No excuse to bend down to the skirting board nowadays.

And your old boiler could be copper. Think of the scrap value when you budget.

Good luck.Changing an old boiler and updating fuse electical panel?$ 1200 to replace your incomming electric service . this includes replacing the fuse box installing ground rods a water meter ground meter socket and overhead mast.
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