Monday, October 24, 2011
Where is the lighter fuse located for a 1999 Ford Contour and how can it be changed?
My lighter in a 1999 Ford Contour has died out and inside the owners manual I see nothing about how to change it nor locating it. There is a diagram of a fuse box, but nothing specifically for the ligher. I'm looking for where the fuse is located and how I could go about changing it.Where is the lighter fuse located for a 1999 Ford Contour and how can it be changed?should be in the side of the dash, open the door and look , shoudl be a little handle or somethign, theres a chance it coudl be under the door to, usually on the back of the panel you take off it iwll tell what each fuse goes to, should be ltr, or acc. plug
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