Monday, October 24, 2011

Hello guys some one help me please?

i put the battery wrong so i know that i blow the 80 fuse i change it and the car donts start its not any spark so i change the distributor now still the same and the gas pump its not working so i test it like my honda manual says and its working so i change the main ralay so its still not working so now some one says its the ecu and i get a new one and its the same so whats next i have the compleate part for the fuses that is located under the dash driver side you think this is one of the other problems?? i test all the fuses located in front of the motor and under the dash but everything its fine so i thik i need to replace the fuse par under the dash what else could be?? or some one knows how to fix or what happend when i put the battery wrong and how to fix it now please help me this car its my baby i really want to turn it againHello guys some one help me please?Since this is in the language section, you can only be looking for help with your spelling, grammar and punctuation. It is my professional opinion that you are beyond help.

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