Monday, November 22, 2010

How to change electronic fuse in a 2001 S430 (W220) Mercedes Benz?

The electronic fuses in the W220 S Class have no serviceable parts. The %26quot;fuses%26quot; which are actually transistorized circuits that detect overload condition and switch off automatically, have property of self-resetting when the overload condition is gone.

Therefore, if a circuit protected by %26quot;electronic%26quot; fuse is not getting any power, then either the receiver still has short circuit/open circuit condition (yes! these are detected as well) or the output stage (the transistor or driver chip) in the electronic module has failed.

It would be helpful if you would state which kind of receiver you have trouble with.

Contrary to the other answer, there is NO dangerous voltages around the fuse boxes in the car (although they are present in few other places - ignition system, inside instrument cluster and so on). Accidental or deliberate contact with live conductor under such a low voltage (12v) is not likely to cause any harm.How to change electronic fuse in a 2001 S430 (W220) Mercedes Benz?Open your bonnet/hood, look anywhere near where the engine bay is close to the windshield/windscreen. Try to spot the fuses box; open it and look (maybe) under its cover, you should find a card with a list of all the fuses (numbered/labeled and what components they connect. Then look at the fuses themselves, they are all numbered/labeled.

To change them, simply lift them out of their spring-loaded terminals. Be careful, high voltages live in the area.

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