Thursday, September 22, 2011
Fuse box location for cigarette lighter for a vauxhall astra?
it does not seem to be working, has the fuse blown? how do i change it?Fuse box location for cigarette lighter for a vauxhall astra?The fuse box for my Vectra is on the lower part of the driver side of the dash so i'm guessing it would be in the same spot on your Astra. If it is there open the cover and there will be a diagram on it telling you how many amps it is and which one it is. And from memory i think it has i little cigarette on it to make it easy. good luck i hope it helpsFuse box location for cigarette lighter for a vauxhall astra?you only have like 10 or so fuses not hard to pull one and look takes like 5 minute to check every one
How do you fix a tv console for a 2003 Ford Winstar Sport?
The VCR in my 2003 Ford Winstar Sport works but I only get a black screen when trying to watch a movie, I can hear the audio but no picture on the screen. Does anyone know how to fix this? Is there a fuse I should change or something? I would really appreciate any help.How do you fix a tv console for a 2003 Ford Winstar Sport?It's a defect or you put in the wrong video plug. If you checked it, then it's broken. Have it fixed at the stereo repair place.
By the way, did you mean DVD? VCRs are obsolete you know.
By the way, did you mean DVD? VCRs are obsolete you know.
Mitsubishi Eclipse runing light question and dash light?
I have a 1991 eclipse i cant seem to figure out what i need to do.I dont have the money to go to a repair shop and pay for someone to do it.When i turn on my headlights at night they work but my back runing lights dont.I changed all the fuses but it's still not working is their a light bulb and if there is how do i change them.Also my dash lights arent working as well once agian is there a bulb and if so how do i change it?Mitsubishi Eclipse runing light question and dash light?yes there are light bulbs in all of those locations however it is unlikely that they are all burned up it is more likely that the problem is in the wiring or perhaps there is another fuse panel that you are not aware of . Changing the light bulbs is fairly simple you would have to do it from the inside of the car. Just remove the plastic panels behind each light fixture and grab the light socket and turn it 1/4 of a turn to the left and the socket will come out than replace the bulb after examining it if it is in fact burned up.
As far as the dash lights are concerned check to see if there is a dimmer switch somewhere. It is most likely what the problem is .Mitsubishi Eclipse runing light question and dash light?Odds are that not all those bulbs are all out at the same time. Esp the dash lights. All of your symptoms seem to lead towards fuse problems. Aside from the fuse box underneath the drivers side dash, there is also a fuse box under the hood. You might need to check that out. But incase you do need to change you tail light bulbs you can do this by opening the hatch, and pulling back the carpet on the trunks back wall by the lights, behind the carpet you will see the bulbs.lock file web server hosting
As far as the dash lights are concerned check to see if there is a dimmer switch somewhere. It is most likely what the problem is .Mitsubishi Eclipse runing light question and dash light?Odds are that not all those bulbs are all out at the same time. Esp the dash lights. All of your symptoms seem to lead towards fuse problems. Aside from the fuse box underneath the drivers side dash, there is also a fuse box under the hood. You might need to check that out. But incase you do need to change you tail light bulbs you can do this by opening the hatch, and pulling back the carpet on the trunks back wall by the lights, behind the carpet you will see the bulbs.
How can I get the lights inside my 96 Honda Civic to start working after I changed the fuses?
I bought new fuses yesterday and checked each of the fuses that were 7.5 because that was what I was supposed to get and so I changed them all out and I still have nothing. It is a 96 Honda Civic DX, and I know there is a chance that it could just be a bulb but it is a light/lcd screen combo. And the screen isn't coming on either so I'm wondering if it could be a wiring issue or what? Any advice would be beneficial.How can I get the lights inside my 96 Honda Civic to start working after I changed the fuses?you do have the dimmer switch for the cluster on right if you do then either the bulbs behind dash or printed circuit board gone bad
My Apple MacBook charger is broken, how can i juice up the battery?
I accidently dropped my apple macbook 13 inch white - into the dogs water bowl, for 2 seconds maybe, changed the fuse, but it may have got to the big part and totally destroyed it! most likely.
How can i go about getting a new one, they are over 20 - 50 on ebay, i thought they could just send out replacements. Is it worth going to a local dealer ship or someone who has experience with macs, as the local one is london! im in berkshire, near reading.
IS THERE ANY WAY that i can juice up a little bit of battery, using other electrical supply methods? converting the energy? I just need some battery life on my laptop, as i am presenting a slideshow to an entire class tomorrow!!
thanks.My Apple MacBook charger is broken, how can i juice up the battery?You can buy one here
If you need it to present tomorrow you will need to either go buy one at an Apple Store, or find someone to borrow one from.
How can i go about getting a new one, they are over 20 - 50 on ebay, i thought they could just send out replacements. Is it worth going to a local dealer ship or someone who has experience with macs, as the local one is london! im in berkshire, near reading.
IS THERE ANY WAY that i can juice up a little bit of battery, using other electrical supply methods? converting the energy? I just need some battery life on my laptop, as i am presenting a slideshow to an entire class tomorrow!!
thanks.My Apple MacBook charger is broken, how can i juice up the battery?You can buy one here
If you need it to present tomorrow you will need to either go buy one at an Apple Store, or find someone to borrow one from.
How do you get a string of Christmas lights to work?
Last year I bought a bunch of strings of clear lights from Walmart to go on my Christmas tree. I got them out the other day and tested each string and they worked fine. After spending hours putting them all on my huge tree, I found out that when they were plugged in together one of the strings will not work. The string worked fine when plugged in by itself though. I tried changing the fuse but it still doesn't help. I figured maybe rigging an extension cord up to that one string might work, and then hanging it down the back of the tree. But I don't want to create any fire hazards by doing so. Any suggestions?How do you get a string of Christmas lights to work?Actually, your extension cord idea isn't a bad one. They make extension cords specifically for trees intended to go up the trunk, colored green, and with three outlets space a couple feet apart. You could get one of those and plug all your lights into it instead of end-to-end like you've done, or just the one troublesome strand.How do you get a string of Christmas lights to work?Just one string? You could try taking it off and plug the others into each other and if they work just buy a new string to put in that ones place. You could always use those in a wreath or something. That is really weird thoughHow do you get a string of Christmas lights to work?did you try connecting it to a different strand? maybe the connection point you have it in is out of wack. so try switching it up and the one that it connects to is last so nothing gets connected to itHow do you get a string of Christmas lights to work?you may have to check the bulbs on each of the lights on that particular strand. It is annoying, but it's your best bet
Whats wrong with my car stereo?
I bought this car stereo deck for my 97' honda crv. i had to manually wire all the cords with this wiring harness and it worked great. a couple months later i left my lights on had to jump my car. after the jump my car my stereo just stopped working. like when i turn my headlights on the lights on the deck illuminate as it should but the thing never turns on. i hold the power button, nothing. i changed the fuse, that didnt work. so now i go to walmart and exchange the deck for a new one thinking i blew the whole thing from jumping the car. i take my time wiring and plug it in. doesnt work. im so confused. what are some possibilities thats causing this and if you kow how to fix add that too! thanksWhats wrong with my car stereo?change all the wiring to new wire and...presto
Air conditioner on vw beetle?
i have a 98 vw new beetle and my air conditioner has broken a few times.
first all start by saying how it was broken, my bf's father but free-on in the tube or whatever to make the air colder because it wasnt cold enough.. well he didnt check the levels before doing so.
well, a week later it started making extremely LOUD noises and stopped working.
well we changed the fuse.. that didn't work.
i took it to a shop and they played around with the wires right behind my radio and it worked for about 3 days but they told me to be very gentle with it or it would come loose and not work anymore. i was plenty gentle with it and it stopped working anyways.
well, now you can feel the air.. it will heat up and cool down but it will not blow the air out.
can anyone tell me what it is?
is it the blower motor?
OH and the first time i had taken it to a shop and they replaced a %26quot;chip%26quot; or something it was located underneath my glove box.. that didn't fix it either.Air conditioner on vw beetle?it seems i may not have ur answer but wait..
why does it seem electrical.? which seems odd bcuz the blower motor works or doesn't.
if they diagnosed your vehicle as a bad %26quot;chip%26quot; on paper work as the cause of your problem and the fix was to replace the %26quot;chip%26quot; and they did and it still wasn't fixed then unfortuneately you were in a sense scammed to fix something that did not need fixing. it is there responsibility to find the %26quot;cause%26quot; and also recommend the %26quot;correction%26quot;. if the part that is recommended to be replaced is and you pay for that and the problem still is not resolved then you need assistance to help resolve from being taken from them and any other garage mechanic that is only interested in making money. most technicians are honest and want to fix your car so you will come back to them if and when there is a next time.
so i recommend you contact the Bureau of Automotive Repair in your state that is as long as you have documentation to their recommendations and repairs. that means any receipts you have from that company. but BEWARE if you have had any one else try to repair it after the shop repair you indicated, it will have contaminated your chances of getting it fixed properly at no charge or getting your money back. otherwise contact the bureau in your state to mediate for you and they will work for YOU not the shop. these guys are like the police of bad mechanic practices and no legitimate shop wants them in their house. plus if others have had problems like you at that shop it gets documented and their license can get pulled for not offering a SERVICE to customers.
hope i kinda helped.. if any more questions feel free to email
have a good day.Air conditioner on vw beetle?blow it up!!!!!!!Air conditioner on vw beetle?Talk about a rip off. Here's a simple but common fix. Try unclogging the air wave and check if everything is connected fully without any small rips. They probably thought something overheated and the chip got damaged but it's more like something is clogging the airwave.Air conditioner on vw beetle?it is hard to follow the problem you are trying to describe. but i will stab at it. it is a known failure that the heater door inside the air distrubition housing will break from its pivots where it swings open or shut to direct hot/cold air. it is inside the big black plastic housing behind the radio/a/c controls. are you sure the other shop replaced a 'chip' or a 'clip'? could be that the door is free moving and letting the cold air mix with the heater air and the air flow gets misdirected from top vents to floor. crazy. your request is hard to understand but unless more and better imfo is given this is all i can %26quot;guess%26quot; at.Air conditioner on vw beetle?%26quot;a shop%26quot; does not sound like a mechanical repair shop. So that is one of your problems. They just broke it more. No shop(a proper repair faucility would have to tell you %26quot;be gentle with it%26quot;. These guys sounds like ones who use duct-tape and tie-wire to repair things.
Take it to VW dealership and be prepared to buy the whole darn unit. Freon not only keeps you cool, it is the lubricant for the air conditioning pump. If the level gets too low the pump runs dry and it seizes. No different than running the car engine with too little motor oil - it too will seize up...and you will have a solid block of metal(instead of a block with moving parts).
So, I am guessing from your story, you were in need of a freon recharge because there is a leak someplace.....that was not addressed...the fan motor power was bypassed so it ran regardless of whether the air-conditioner unit was cold or not and now it sounds like it is fried too.
You will have to resort to the older time tested and proven method of VW air-conditioning--opening a window.
This not going to be cheap to fix(which a freon fill was all it really needed most likely) But that %26quot;was%26quot; in the of the dog server
first all start by saying how it was broken, my bf's father but free-on in the tube or whatever to make the air colder because it wasnt cold enough.. well he didnt check the levels before doing so.
well, a week later it started making extremely LOUD noises and stopped working.
well we changed the fuse.. that didn't work.
i took it to a shop and they played around with the wires right behind my radio and it worked for about 3 days but they told me to be very gentle with it or it would come loose and not work anymore. i was plenty gentle with it and it stopped working anyways.
well, now you can feel the air.. it will heat up and cool down but it will not blow the air out.
can anyone tell me what it is?
is it the blower motor?
OH and the first time i had taken it to a shop and they replaced a %26quot;chip%26quot; or something it was located underneath my glove box.. that didn't fix it either.Air conditioner on vw beetle?it seems i may not have ur answer but wait..
why does it seem electrical.? which seems odd bcuz the blower motor works or doesn't.
if they diagnosed your vehicle as a bad %26quot;chip%26quot; on paper work as the cause of your problem and the fix was to replace the %26quot;chip%26quot; and they did and it still wasn't fixed then unfortuneately you were in a sense scammed to fix something that did not need fixing. it is there responsibility to find the %26quot;cause%26quot; and also recommend the %26quot;correction%26quot;. if the part that is recommended to be replaced is and you pay for that and the problem still is not resolved then you need assistance to help resolve from being taken from them and any other garage mechanic that is only interested in making money. most technicians are honest and want to fix your car so you will come back to them if and when there is a next time.
so i recommend you contact the Bureau of Automotive Repair in your state that is as long as you have documentation to their recommendations and repairs. that means any receipts you have from that company. but BEWARE if you have had any one else try to repair it after the shop repair you indicated, it will have contaminated your chances of getting it fixed properly at no charge or getting your money back. otherwise contact the bureau in your state to mediate for you and they will work for YOU not the shop. these guys are like the police of bad mechanic practices and no legitimate shop wants them in their house. plus if others have had problems like you at that shop it gets documented and their license can get pulled for not offering a SERVICE to customers.
hope i kinda helped.. if any more questions feel free to email
have a good day.Air conditioner on vw beetle?blow it up!!!!!!!Air conditioner on vw beetle?Talk about a rip off. Here's a simple but common fix. Try unclogging the air wave and check if everything is connected fully without any small rips. They probably thought something overheated and the chip got damaged but it's more like something is clogging the airwave.Air conditioner on vw beetle?it is hard to follow the problem you are trying to describe. but i will stab at it. it is a known failure that the heater door inside the air distrubition housing will break from its pivots where it swings open or shut to direct hot/cold air. it is inside the big black plastic housing behind the radio/a/c controls. are you sure the other shop replaced a 'chip' or a 'clip'? could be that the door is free moving and letting the cold air mix with the heater air and the air flow gets misdirected from top vents to floor. crazy. your request is hard to understand but unless more and better imfo is given this is all i can %26quot;guess%26quot; at.Air conditioner on vw beetle?%26quot;a shop%26quot; does not sound like a mechanical repair shop. So that is one of your problems. They just broke it more. No shop(a proper repair faucility would have to tell you %26quot;be gentle with it%26quot;. These guys sounds like ones who use duct-tape and tie-wire to repair things.
Take it to VW dealership and be prepared to buy the whole darn unit. Freon not only keeps you cool, it is the lubricant for the air conditioning pump. If the level gets too low the pump runs dry and it seizes. No different than running the car engine with too little motor oil - it too will seize up...and you will have a solid block of metal(instead of a block with moving parts).
So, I am guessing from your story, you were in need of a freon recharge because there is a leak someplace.....that was not addressed...the fan motor power was bypassed so it ran regardless of whether the air-conditioner unit was cold or not and now it sounds like it is fried too.
You will have to resort to the older time tested and proven method of VW air-conditioning--opening a window.
This not going to be cheap to fix(which a freon fill was all it really needed most likely) But that %26quot;was%26quot; in the beginning....
Tigra Problems?
I have a P reg tigra and the red battery light is constantly on, It has been like this for a while and there is nothing wrong with the battery.
I have NOTHING on the dashboard...
No speed.. It is stuck on 20 MPH
No temp... It is stuck at the bottom
No miles... It is frozen
No fuel... It is stuck on red when I know the tank is full.
I am taking it to a garage tonight but i want to be prepared in case they try to lie to me.. any advice as to what the problem is and roughly how much this is going to set me back?
I have changed the fuse and this seemed to work for a while but then it just blows after a few days.Tigra Problems?Sounds like there are two problems with the car, first it sounds like there is a dead short on th clocks of the car. Not the easiest thing in the world to diagnose but it may be a simple fix.
The battery light on the dash shows if there is a difference between the output from the alternator and the power used but the car. For example if the battery is flat, there will be more power required by the battery to charge it up.
If the battery light is on all the time but the battery is not flat, I suspect that the diode pack on the alternator is faulty. This will allow the alternator output to flow to the battery even when it is fully charged. This may also contribute to the dead short behind the clocks.
Ja.Tigra Problems?Muat have a short on the back of the clock setTigra Problems?Probably the dash clock unit itself. Vauxhall supply exchange units.Tigra Problems?if you are blowing fuses it is a short circuit somewhereTigra Problems?could be fault with alternator not charging battery, could be short to negative on clocks or dashboard some where
I have NOTHING on the dashboard...
No speed.. It is stuck on 20 MPH
No temp... It is stuck at the bottom
No miles... It is frozen
No fuel... It is stuck on red when I know the tank is full.
I am taking it to a garage tonight but i want to be prepared in case they try to lie to me.. any advice as to what the problem is and roughly how much this is going to set me back?
I have changed the fuse and this seemed to work for a while but then it just blows after a few days.Tigra Problems?Sounds like there are two problems with the car, first it sounds like there is a dead short on th clocks of the car. Not the easiest thing in the world to diagnose but it may be a simple fix.
The battery light on the dash shows if there is a difference between the output from the alternator and the power used but the car. For example if the battery is flat, there will be more power required by the battery to charge it up.
If the battery light is on all the time but the battery is not flat, I suspect that the diode pack on the alternator is faulty. This will allow the alternator output to flow to the battery even when it is fully charged. This may also contribute to the dead short behind the clocks.
Ja.Tigra Problems?Muat have a short on the back of the clock setTigra Problems?Probably the dash clock unit itself. Vauxhall supply exchange units.Tigra Problems?if you are blowing fuses it is a short circuit somewhereTigra Problems?could be fault with alternator not charging battery, could be short to negative on clocks or dashboard some where
Fluval U3 Filter not working!?
Hi guys, I have a 4.5ft tank Malawi Cichlid tank which has a Fluval U3 internal filer which has been running for approx 4 months.
In the early hours of the morning we had a power outage and since it came back on the filter is not working. I have tried changing the fuse and also using a different power socket but to no joy! The filter is still under warranty but i cannot find the receipt so i was wondering if anyone else has had the same problem and also how long can my cichlids go without filtration as i'm unsure when i can get another filter??Fluval U3 Filter not working!?It maybe broken unfortunately.
When houses have power cuts often when the power comes back on the power surge blows out circuits on many household appliances.
This happened to me with a memory stick on my laptop so I know how frustrated you must be.. Search for the Receipt !!Fluval U3 Filter not working!?You need to get another filter urgently.
The filter is there to remove all the waste matter.
If there is no filter the water gets polluted/and makes
the fish sick leading to death.Fluval U3 Filter not working!?maybe the sponge needs replaceing carbon replaceFluval U3 Filter not working!?Clean it.
In the early hours of the morning we had a power outage and since it came back on the filter is not working. I have tried changing the fuse and also using a different power socket but to no joy! The filter is still under warranty but i cannot find the receipt so i was wondering if anyone else has had the same problem and also how long can my cichlids go without filtration as i'm unsure when i can get another filter??Fluval U3 Filter not working!?It maybe broken unfortunately.
When houses have power cuts often when the power comes back on the power surge blows out circuits on many household appliances.
This happened to me with a memory stick on my laptop so I know how frustrated you must be.. Search for the Receipt !!Fluval U3 Filter not working!?You need to get another filter urgently.
The filter is there to remove all the waste matter.
If there is no filter the water gets polluted/and makes
the fish sick leading to death.Fluval U3 Filter not working!?maybe the sponge needs replaceing carbon replaceFluval U3 Filter not working!?Clean it.
Turned tv on, went to standby then turned off! Help!!?
Please what do i do and if it needs repairing how much do you think it will cost? im in the UK.
Sorry about caps lol!
MaxTurned tv on, went to standby then turned off! Help!!?powersupply faulty in the tv. need new p/s board.Turned tv on, went to standby then turned off! Help!!?Could be an internal fuse.
Please what do i do and if it needs repairing how much do you think it will cost? im in the UK.
Sorry about caps lol!
MaxTurned tv on, went to standby then turned off! Help!!?powersupply faulty in the tv. need new p/s board.Turned tv on, went to standby then turned off! Help!!?Could be an internal fuse.
Please help me with my laptop!?
I have an 'Advent' laptop, and my charger has just broken. I know its the charger and not the computer because the computer is working fine without the charger.
i've changed the fuse and that still hasn't worked, This happened as well in august and i sent it away to be fixed. It came back fine but the actual laptop guarantee runs out in march and I'm worried that if it is fixed again this time, it may happen again in another 3 months and i will not be under guarantee! Does anybody know if i could buy a new charger for the laptop? if so how much?
It's model: 0335C2065 if that helps!
thanks :)Please help me with my laptop!?try advent charger on ebay,bet youll find a new one one therePlease help me with my laptop!?Hi.
If you sent it away for repair once and it as again gone on you, Demand a replacement and not a repair they can't refuse to replace it if they have repaired it once and it has gone again.
Do not buy a new one make them exchange it for you and demand that you want it changed and not repaired. help me with my laptop!?Demand a new one if it's still under guarantee! but you can get a replacement from Mapland electronics but watch out they're about 25 quidPlease help me with my laptop!?You had the charger fixed? The manufacturer would normally just replace it as to fix it is not cost effective. You can go to most PC retail stores and you will find replacement charger units all you need to ensure is that the voltage is adjustable to match your original and more importantly the Ampage has to match, definately no less, more is OK but less is going to burn out the charger in a short time.
If you keep breaking the charger units then send this one back under warranty while you can and then invest in some sort of anti surge protector as you may have some sort of electrical circuit inbalance that is breaking the unit.
i've changed the fuse and that still hasn't worked, This happened as well in august and i sent it away to be fixed. It came back fine but the actual laptop guarantee runs out in march and I'm worried that if it is fixed again this time, it may happen again in another 3 months and i will not be under guarantee! Does anybody know if i could buy a new charger for the laptop? if so how much?
It's model: 0335C2065 if that helps!
thanks :)Please help me with my laptop!?try advent charger on ebay,bet youll find a new one one therePlease help me with my laptop!?Hi.
If you sent it away for repair once and it as again gone on you, Demand a replacement and not a repair they can't refuse to replace it if they have repaired it once and it has gone again.
Do not buy a new one make them exchange it for you and demand that you want it changed and not repaired. help me with my laptop!?Demand a new one if it's still under guarantee! but you can get a replacement from Mapland electronics but watch out they're about 25 quidPlease help me with my laptop!?You had the charger fixed? The manufacturer would normally just replace it as to fix it is not cost effective. You can go to most PC retail stores and you will find replacement charger units all you need to ensure is that the voltage is adjustable to match your original and more importantly the Ampage has to match, definately no less, more is OK but less is going to burn out the charger in a short time.
If you keep breaking the charger units then send this one back under warranty while you can and then invest in some sort of anti surge protector as you may have some sort of electrical circuit inbalance that is breaking the unit.
External hard drive power adapter failure?
i've got an external hard drive (i think it's a maxtor) and the power adapter has failed on it, it was all working ok on it last night but i went to use it today and there's no life, i changed the fuse but nothing. there's no light on the adapter still.
the model is flypower SPP34 - 12.0/5.0 - 2000 i've been looking on the internet with no joy. does anyone know where i can get this adaptor in the uk? or i've heard that you can take the hdd out and put it in a new enclosure that has a power supply, how easy would this be to do?
any advice i'd be grateful for as i don't want to lose the photo's stored on there.External hard drive power adapter failure?I'd try to find a universal type of power converter. You need to match the plug on the enclosure(watch polarity),the voltage and current that the HDD enclosure requires. If push comes to shove, you can always pull the drive from the enclosure and install it in a desktop computer as a second drive! Good luck! ;-)=External hard drive power adapter failure?Any adapter that can give you 5volt + 12volt at 2amp will do the job although you need the right connector on the end. Bearing in mind how cheap drives are these days, it's probably best just to replace the whole thing. You can take out the old drive and temporarily connect it up inside your PC as a second drive.External hard drive power adapter failure?No idea how you were searching the net but there are plenty of those power supplies out there:;sourcjava hair transplant
the model is flypower SPP34 - 12.0/5.0 - 2000 i've been looking on the internet with no joy. does anyone know where i can get this adaptor in the uk? or i've heard that you can take the hdd out and put it in a new enclosure that has a power supply, how easy would this be to do?
any advice i'd be grateful for as i don't want to lose the photo's stored on there.External hard drive power adapter failure?I'd try to find a universal type of power converter. You need to match the plug on the enclosure(watch polarity),the voltage and current that the HDD enclosure requires. If push comes to shove, you can always pull the drive from the enclosure and install it in a desktop computer as a second drive! Good luck! ;-)=External hard drive power adapter failure?Any adapter that can give you 5volt + 12volt at 2amp will do the job although you need the right connector on the end. Bearing in mind how cheap drives are these days, it's probably best just to replace the whole thing. You can take out the old drive and temporarily connect it up inside your PC as a second drive.External hard drive power adapter failure?No idea how you were searching the net but there are plenty of those power supplies out there:;sourc
How do I fall back in love with OCD husband?
I have been married 10 yrs, and have two small children. My husband and I have been having martial problems (fighting a lot) for about 8 yrs. He is a hot head, yells at me a lot, is controlling, we fight a lot, he is lazy, selfish, lacks confidence and is jealous among other things. He is also sweet, a good father, funny, and we share a lot of interests and beliefs. He is also my husband which I vowed to love through good and bad.... but how much bad do I take?
Last year I couldn't take it any more, I was tired of being a mother to my children and also having to mother him. I was also tired of the fighting and double standards so I said we either separate or seek counseling. He freaked and we started marriage counseling.
Through that it was discovered that he has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. There are thoughts he can not control (like if I am cheating, or if I am out if I got in an accident, or if people are talking about him/making fun of him, etc) which leds to his lack of lack of self confidence and need for reassurance. This also can be the reason he is %26quot;lazy%26quot; because the thoughts he has are so overwhelming he can not to much of anything else. He agreed to go on medication and that has helped his bahavior some. We have also continued counseling and he is making genuine efforts to change his behavior.... however, there are somethings that have not changed (short fused temper, being bossing, being lazy, needing me to %26quot;mother%26quot; him, not being an equal partner in parenting, and the double standards), and the things that have improved (jealousy, self confidence) are great but not enough. I also feel that even though he / we have made progress that we slip back into old patterns quickly.
I know a lot of his behavior is because of his OCD - that he can not control. But I am having a hard time getting over these aspects of him and getting back in love with him. I love him as a friend and fellow parent but I do not have romantic or spouse like feelings for him and I am not physicially attracted to him anymore. How do I get those feelings back??? Can I fall back in love with him? How can I love him like I should with this disorder??? I feel horrible that I dont have these feelings for him and I think of leaving him but I dont want to break up the family and I dont want to look back 5 yrs from now and realize what a mistake I have made. I made a vow to love through the bad times but I have found that I cant, no matter how I try. I feel guilt and pain and I'm trying....
Any suggestions on how I can love him again, or do you think I should work on building a new life without him??
Serious and kind suggestions please.How do I fall back in love with OCD husband?try to research dietary ways of helping control this. i would start with more protein. steaks, burgers, salads, good vegetables, lots of fish and chicken. eliminate snacks of all kinds, soda, alcohol. especially sweets of all kinds, get rid of them.
also steady physical movement, i think that helps too. walking, swimming, ect.
another guess is that the children help trigger the condition because of the responsibility and stress it brings. that is perhaps the reason for the need for reassurance.
yes, it is a betrayal to find out the guy you bought was not the model advertised. but so are some of your attitudes.
two kids. remember that. i dont care what you do with your husband, but you have two kids and after you have kids it is not really about you anymore, it is what is best for them.How do I fall back in love with OCD husband?Your in therapy right? ask the therapist!!
Last year I couldn't take it any more, I was tired of being a mother to my children and also having to mother him. I was also tired of the fighting and double standards so I said we either separate or seek counseling. He freaked and we started marriage counseling.
Through that it was discovered that he has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. There are thoughts he can not control (like if I am cheating, or if I am out if I got in an accident, or if people are talking about him/making fun of him, etc) which leds to his lack of lack of self confidence and need for reassurance. This also can be the reason he is %26quot;lazy%26quot; because the thoughts he has are so overwhelming he can not to much of anything else. He agreed to go on medication and that has helped his bahavior some. We have also continued counseling and he is making genuine efforts to change his behavior.... however, there are somethings that have not changed (short fused temper, being bossing, being lazy, needing me to %26quot;mother%26quot; him, not being an equal partner in parenting, and the double standards), and the things that have improved (jealousy, self confidence) are great but not enough. I also feel that even though he / we have made progress that we slip back into old patterns quickly.
I know a lot of his behavior is because of his OCD - that he can not control. But I am having a hard time getting over these aspects of him and getting back in love with him. I love him as a friend and fellow parent but I do not have romantic or spouse like feelings for him and I am not physicially attracted to him anymore. How do I get those feelings back??? Can I fall back in love with him? How can I love him like I should with this disorder??? I feel horrible that I dont have these feelings for him and I think of leaving him but I dont want to break up the family and I dont want to look back 5 yrs from now and realize what a mistake I have made. I made a vow to love through the bad times but I have found that I cant, no matter how I try. I feel guilt and pain and I'm trying....
Any suggestions on how I can love him again, or do you think I should work on building a new life without him??
Serious and kind suggestions please.How do I fall back in love with OCD husband?try to research dietary ways of helping control this. i would start with more protein. steaks, burgers, salads, good vegetables, lots of fish and chicken. eliminate snacks of all kinds, soda, alcohol. especially sweets of all kinds, get rid of them.
also steady physical movement, i think that helps too. walking, swimming, ect.
another guess is that the children help trigger the condition because of the responsibility and stress it brings. that is perhaps the reason for the need for reassurance.
yes, it is a betrayal to find out the guy you bought was not the model advertised. but so are some of your attitudes.
two kids. remember that. i dont care what you do with your husband, but you have two kids and after you have kids it is not really about you anymore, it is what is best for them.How do I fall back in love with OCD husband?Your in therapy right? ask the therapist!!
Basically, about a month ago my PSP ran out of battery but i cba with charging it up. Anyway, a couple of days ago, I went to charge it but nothing, no red light. I've tried taking the battery out, taking out the memory stick (putting them back in obviously), changing sockets for the charger, even changing the fuse in the charger, but it still wont turn on. The battery does seem a little loose inside, I dont no whether that makes a difference. Plus it was a PSP-1003 which I bought in 2006, and it was hacked, CFW 5.00-m33, since about July 2009.
Can someone please diagnase the problem and possible tell me how to fix it. PLEASE!!!!MY PSP WONT TURN ON !!!!?If it is hacked maybe its hard drive is destroyed or the battery is bad quality... so try another one battery or take it fixed by a specialist!!!
Can someone please diagnase the problem and possible tell me how to fix it. PLEASE!!!!MY PSP WONT TURN ON !!!!?If it is hacked maybe its hard drive is destroyed or the battery is bad quality... so try another one battery or take it fixed by a specialist!!!
Ladies do you own a car and think this is a good idea?
this is the biz idea that i have that would cater to ladies that own a car but want to become educated on maintaince issues
Here is the ad i was thinking of running. %26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;
Im a professional mechanic. I will give classes and lessons on how to maintain your vehicle.
-I can teach you the basics of car maintainence so you dont have to always be dependent on a mechanic. Such as tire changing, checking all fluids, what to do if your car overheats, change bulbs, fuses, any electrical problems, how to jumpstart your car battery if it fails, and more safety maintaince tips so you will not be stranded at a mechanics hands.
Wouldnt you like to know all the tricks that the rip off mechanics apply?
Dont get taken just because your a lady!
I can help you.
Let me educate you so you can take THEM%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;Ladies do you own a car and think this is a good idea?I think it would be a good idea. I, fortunately, have a father who used to be a mechanic, and now works as a truck instector for the DMV. I know a little more than most girls my age (17 yo), which still isn't a lot. I can check my fluids, replace headlights/assemblies, change battery, check my tires, etc. Nothing really in depth. I'd appreciate a class like that, personally.
One of my friends didn't even know that you had to refill your wiper fluid! Not just girls, but any new drivers should have this sort of education. Maybe run a class for teens. It would be a good idea to target not only women, but newly licensed drivers, who aren't too familiar with cars just yet.Ladies do you own a car and think this is a good idea?I think that's a great idea, and I think a lot of women would come to you.Ladies do you own a car and think this is a good idea?That's a really good idea. Make sure you emphasize how it teaches you techniques to keep you safe and do basic roadside things. Also, make sure you list contact info ect and say comments or questions are welcome or somthing.
Good luck, it sound superLadies do you own a car and think this is a good idea?I think it is a very good ideaLadies do you own a car and think this is a good idea?ahem. maybe you should offer your service to men too? just because we're ladies doesn't mean we're ignorant :)
but it is a pretty good idea, mechanics rip people (esp. girls) off waaay too much
Here is the ad i was thinking of running. %26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;
Im a professional mechanic. I will give classes and lessons on how to maintain your vehicle.
-I can teach you the basics of car maintainence so you dont have to always be dependent on a mechanic. Such as tire changing, checking all fluids, what to do if your car overheats, change bulbs, fuses, any electrical problems, how to jumpstart your car battery if it fails, and more safety maintaince tips so you will not be stranded at a mechanics hands.
Wouldnt you like to know all the tricks that the rip off mechanics apply?
Dont get taken just because your a lady!
I can help you.
Let me educate you so you can take THEM%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;Ladies do you own a car and think this is a good idea?I think it would be a good idea. I, fortunately, have a father who used to be a mechanic, and now works as a truck instector for the DMV. I know a little more than most girls my age (17 yo), which still isn't a lot. I can check my fluids, replace headlights/assemblies, change battery, check my tires, etc. Nothing really in depth. I'd appreciate a class like that, personally.
One of my friends didn't even know that you had to refill your wiper fluid! Not just girls, but any new drivers should have this sort of education. Maybe run a class for teens. It would be a good idea to target not only women, but newly licensed drivers, who aren't too familiar with cars just yet.Ladies do you own a car and think this is a good idea?I think that's a great idea, and I think a lot of women would come to you.Ladies do you own a car and think this is a good idea?That's a really good idea. Make sure you emphasize how it teaches you techniques to keep you safe and do basic roadside things. Also, make sure you list contact info ect and say comments or questions are welcome or somthing.
Good luck, it sound superLadies do you own a car and think this is a good idea?I think it is a very good ideaLadies do you own a car and think this is a good idea?ahem. maybe you should offer your service to men too? just because we're ladies doesn't mean we're ignorant :)
but it is a pretty good idea, mechanics rip people (esp. girls) off waaay too much
2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee - Tail lights go off when Headlights go on?
Last Tuesday, the brake light would not work on driver's side when braking (would go totally out) and headlights were on. Now as of Saturday, both taillights have gone out completely when the headlights are turned on (whether braking or not)! Have had the bulbs changed out %26amp; fuses checked. Was thinking of buying some sockets from the dealership (not sure how to change out however) and see if this might remedy the problem or does this sound like a bigger issue? If so, would this be something better handled by a dealership (warranty is out but I realize these may be dealer parts) or an individual shop? Thanks for any help you can give!!2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee - Tail lights go off when Headlights go on?Check the ground wires
How do I replace a microwave oven light bulb?
Can someone please help and tell me how to access and replace the bulb. It's a Panasonic Slimline Combi.
The instruction manual says not to, which must be one of the most idiotic and expensive things I've come across. I don't want to pay someone else to do what should be a simple job, I just want to change the bulb. Are there any special precautions needed?
I'm aware of basic safety issues, I've been changing bulbs, fuses, plugs and carrying out other home repairs for decades, including bulb replacement on my old microwave, which had an access panel on the side.How do I replace a microwave oven light bulb?If you already have the bulb, then make sure you do not touch any electrical parts of the microwave while replacing it. Specially the ones that are cylindrical in shape (these are called capacitors and can hold a lot of charge for a very long time.)
In most microwaves you simply have to take the cover off by unscrewing holding screws. Replacing bulb is pretty straightforward, simply take out holding screws, disconnect leads, and remove bulb from place.
To install new one,reverse steps.
Usually it is really hard to find replacement parts. It is usually better if you take microwave name, model and serial number, and take info to a place that specializes in appliances. Home Depot Appliances department, is a very good place to obtain hard to find replacement parts for appliances.How do I replace a microwave oven light bulb?I replaced my Matsui recently. The small panel for the bulb compartment is easily removed by undoing the screws. Take the old one out and get a similar one from any electrical shop.How do I replace a microwave oven light bulb?Most cover panels are secured with cross-head screws but some have 'specials'. A general hardware shop can supply. BUT, first switch off all power and unplug, leave for at least 30 min for any residue internal power to dissipate. After that its a logical process, just remember where everything goes, oh %26amp; make sure that you have the correct bulb to replace!.How do I replace a microwave oven light bulb?that is an expensive microwave, 250 pounds/ 500 USD. I can see why you want to replace the bulb.
surely this is less than a year old and still under guarantee?How do I replace a microwave oven light bulb?WELL Y DONT U JUST GET A NEW MICROWAVE?XHow do I replace a microwave oven light bulb?I'm thinking that to change the bulb since it is behind the screen panel is that you got to do some serious back panel removing to get to it. And most companies have a policy of removal of the back panel by anyone other than a repair technition voids the warranty, so you're stuck with having to either take it in or having somebody come out. SorryHow do I replace a microwave oven light bulb?I myself have replaced the bulb in a Proline (Comet UK brand) microwave which is one of the %26quot;cheaper%26quot; box standard 30 microwaves.
I think i am right in saying you must get the correct bulb as they are %26quot;specialised%26quot; bulbs so check this out first, ie:- correct watts size etc.
Once you have the bulb remove the metal casing around the microwave. *** MAKE SURE APPLIANCE IS UNPLUGGED*** and locate the old bulb replace with new bulb and fit the case back.
Not a difficult job and only cost a few 's for the bulb but make sure you have the correct bulb.How do I replace a microwave oven light bulb?CAREFULLY i know its a small job but i was told microwaves hold some electric power inside and if you touch the wrong thing its goodbye micro and maybe you aswellmultiple tables data into xsds
The instruction manual says not to, which must be one of the most idiotic and expensive things I've come across. I don't want to pay someone else to do what should be a simple job, I just want to change the bulb. Are there any special precautions needed?
I'm aware of basic safety issues, I've been changing bulbs, fuses, plugs and carrying out other home repairs for decades, including bulb replacement on my old microwave, which had an access panel on the side.How do I replace a microwave oven light bulb?If you already have the bulb, then make sure you do not touch any electrical parts of the microwave while replacing it. Specially the ones that are cylindrical in shape (these are called capacitors and can hold a lot of charge for a very long time.)
In most microwaves you simply have to take the cover off by unscrewing holding screws. Replacing bulb is pretty straightforward, simply take out holding screws, disconnect leads, and remove bulb from place.
To install new one,reverse steps.
Usually it is really hard to find replacement parts. It is usually better if you take microwave name, model and serial number, and take info to a place that specializes in appliances. Home Depot Appliances department, is a very good place to obtain hard to find replacement parts for appliances.How do I replace a microwave oven light bulb?I replaced my Matsui recently. The small panel for the bulb compartment is easily removed by undoing the screws. Take the old one out and get a similar one from any electrical shop.How do I replace a microwave oven light bulb?Most cover panels are secured with cross-head screws but some have 'specials'. A general hardware shop can supply. BUT, first switch off all power and unplug, leave for at least 30 min for any residue internal power to dissipate. After that its a logical process, just remember where everything goes, oh %26amp; make sure that you have the correct bulb to replace!.How do I replace a microwave oven light bulb?that is an expensive microwave, 250 pounds/ 500 USD. I can see why you want to replace the bulb.
surely this is less than a year old and still under guarantee?How do I replace a microwave oven light bulb?WELL Y DONT U JUST GET A NEW MICROWAVE?XHow do I replace a microwave oven light bulb?I'm thinking that to change the bulb since it is behind the screen panel is that you got to do some serious back panel removing to get to it. And most companies have a policy of removal of the back panel by anyone other than a repair technition voids the warranty, so you're stuck with having to either take it in or having somebody come out. SorryHow do I replace a microwave oven light bulb?I myself have replaced the bulb in a Proline (Comet UK brand) microwave which is one of the %26quot;cheaper%26quot; box standard 30 microwaves.
I think i am right in saying you must get the correct bulb as they are %26quot;specialised%26quot; bulbs so check this out first, ie:- correct watts size etc.
Once you have the bulb remove the metal casing around the microwave. *** MAKE SURE APPLIANCE IS UNPLUGGED*** and locate the old bulb replace with new bulb and fit the case back.
Not a difficult job and only cost a few 's for the bulb but make sure you have the correct bulb.How do I replace a microwave oven light bulb?CAREFULLY i know its a small job but i was told microwaves hold some electric power inside and if you touch the wrong thing its goodbye micro and maybe you aswell
How do i know what to do help me withe my amp and sub problem?
ok so i ahd my amp and subs all hooked up and i swaped ground and it touched the power cord i tryed re hooking it up i changed the fuse and the fuse coming from my power wire still amp wont turn on what should i do i tryed a different amp and it wont turn on eatherHow do i know what to do help me withe my amp and sub problem?Meter the constant wire. It's possible that it's a bad fuse.How do i know what to do help me withe my amp and sub problem?try another ruse if not then you wil have to check your fuse box and see if you blow any small fuse. either pull them all out or check with a test light
I need help with my amp!!?
I have a Power Acoustics TS1440 and it worked for about 5 minutes than the protect light came on, than it blew the fuse, and I changed the fuse 4 times and it just keeps blowing them and the protect light will not turn off! what can I do to fix it? and I also tried turning it off and unplugging it for a while but it still don't work and the instructions don't say anything on how to fix it.I need help with my amp!!?well if you are blowing the fuse in your power wire then need a bigger gauge wire with a bigger fuse, if its in the amp you probly have your subs hooked up in an ohm load the amp cant handle and its drawing to much power and its making it blow fuses. but if its in the power wire you need to make sure the fuse in the line is as big or bigger then what ever fuses you have in the amp. so if your amp has two 30 amp fuses your power wire needs a 60amp fuse or bigger.I need help with my amp!!?Well it looks like you might have a blown sub.. unplug the subs from the amp and turn it on and if still go's into protection then you amp needs to be service...
When this happens the amp was push and the weakest part stop working. either the amp or the subs...
good luck.I need help with my amp!!?How many amps is ur fuse?? U probably have to get a bigger fuse..
When this happens the amp was push and the weakest part stop working. either the amp or the subs...
good luck.I need help with my amp!!?How many amps is ur fuse?? U probably have to get a bigger fuse..
Jeep grand cherokee limited have tail light and brake light problems :-(?
im having problems with my tail lights which donot come on at all, constent tail lights, brake lights, and front constent head lights. this is a problem at night time, i am not able to drive due to this issue. the tail lights and brake lights dont come on, but once in a while they will only when i press the brake. and sometimes the constant tail and brake lights get stuck and just stay on causeing me to have to diconnect the battery. as for the head lights they work no problem its just the constant lights that stay on in the corners of the light dont come on at all. ive tryed changing the fuses under the hood next to the battery and the fuses under the front driver side dashboard, and there is still no function to them. i would like to know if there is another fuse box somewhere in the truck or if anyone knows how to fix this issue. feel free to leave some pointers, or ways to help me with my problem, thanks!Jeep grand cherokee limited have tail light and brake light problems :-(?Sometimes difficult lighting problems like this are caused by poor ground connections.Jeep grand cherokee limited have tail light and brake light problems :-(?you have a bad ground
My tail lights and dash lights out how to fix?
i changed the radio in my dodge Dakota and after i did my tail lights and dash lights quit working. There was a wire hook up to the Factory radio that made it dim with the dash now that i have the new radio there is no place to hook it up to. I changed all fuses dealing with the tail lights and dash and still they do not work so what do i needa do with the wire that used to be on the factory radio because it looked like it was hooked to a ground so do i just need to ground it? or do i needa run it to a fuse and if so how do i do this?My tail lights and dash lights out how to fix?Doesnt sound like they would connect the radio with the tail/dash lights but ..First you need to get a simple( test light) you can get it at autozone or other auto parts store...then turn your ignition key on so your radio and all accessories work,,,then insert the test light into the end of that wire and see if it has power running to it...if it doesnt then it was a ground wire and you can go ahead and ground it...
see if it works after that...I know the truck has a fuse box inside with fuses....also there maybe a relay or fuse outside under the hood in the main may want to check
see if it works after that...I know the truck has a fuse box inside with fuses....also there maybe a relay or fuse outside under the hood in the main may want to check
I have a eclipse head unit and i bought the wires to change them for my gran marquis. Why is my fuse blowing?
I have an eclipse cd4000 head unit that I tried to install in my gran marquis. I bought the wiring harness for it so i didn't have to figure out how to hardwire the unit. I plugged it in, turned the car on, and nothing happened. It ended up blowing the fuse for my lights to, a 4A fuse. How can I install the head unit without blowing another fuse?I have a eclipse head unit and i bought the wires to change them for my gran marquis. Why is my fuse blowing?you have a hot wire gounded
What can i do.....?
I have lost the batteries forr my remote, being a single girl an am i gonna cope....x
I dont even no how to change my fuses.....xWhat can i do.....?J.B. Holiday to the rescue, I'd change out the batteries for your 'remote'. But then again, if I was there...I'd hope you'd forget about that bloody TV.
*Edit* Yeah, ok. How BIG was that one rum?What can i do.....?ahhh go awayWhat can i do.....?are u a moron? All u do is get new batteries and stick them where the old ones areWhat can i do.....?wow you make me laughWhat can i do.....?Go out and buy some more, or borrow some off a neighbour lol :)?br>
.. I'm not much help am i?
Sorry!What can i do.....?there is not much you can do. youre going to have to buy a new tv. they come with a remote and the new batteries in itWhat can i do.....?If you ask your brother nicely he may do it for you.What can i do.....?That's pretty sad.What can i do.....?Omg No, we wouldnt want you breaking a nail now would we!
Best call Ken and see if he can pop over if you bake him some cakes!What can i do.....?go buy some damn batteriesWhat can i do.....?is that a girl in the pic or a transvestite??
seriosuly dude u need helpWhat can i do.....?The pic says your hair is brown
Your questions say your a blonde
but yet cuteWhat can i do.....?I'll change your channels for you and your fuses. If you help me cope with my problems of being a single man.What can i do.....?blonde moment!
just get new batteries and change themWhat can i do.....?I am a very good %26quot;handy man%26quot; me over for some assistance, anytime.What can i do.....?Oh this must be your WORST nightmare..
This happened to my friend..he was a slowpoke...
This is what i done-
Slapped him and said,
%26quot;Get a hold of yourself and buy some bloomin batteries!%26quot;
And trust me thats not
Bet Darkrai done it to you.What can i do.....?Forget the remote, lass. Your BlackBeard will entertain ye. I also have more rum for ye.
I dont even no how to change my fuses.....xWhat can i do.....?J.B. Holiday to the rescue, I'd change out the batteries for your 'remote'. But then again, if I was there...I'd hope you'd forget about that bloody TV.
*Edit* Yeah, ok. How BIG was that one rum?What can i do.....?ahhh go awayWhat can i do.....?are u a moron? All u do is get new batteries and stick them where the old ones areWhat can i do.....?wow you make me laughWhat can i do.....?Go out and buy some more, or borrow some off a neighbour lol :)?br>
.. I'm not much help am i?
Sorry!What can i do.....?there is not much you can do. youre going to have to buy a new tv. they come with a remote and the new batteries in itWhat can i do.....?If you ask your brother nicely he may do it for you.What can i do.....?That's pretty sad.What can i do.....?Omg No, we wouldnt want you breaking a nail now would we!
Best call Ken and see if he can pop over if you bake him some cakes!What can i do.....?go buy some damn batteriesWhat can i do.....?is that a girl in the pic or a transvestite??
seriosuly dude u need helpWhat can i do.....?The pic says your hair is brown
Your questions say your a blonde
but yet cuteWhat can i do.....?I'll change your channels for you and your fuses. If you help me cope with my problems of being a single man.What can i do.....?blonde moment!
just get new batteries and change themWhat can i do.....?I am a very good %26quot;handy man%26quot; me over for some assistance, anytime.What can i do.....?Oh this must be your WORST nightmare..
This happened to my friend..he was a slowpoke...
This is what i done-
Slapped him and said,
%26quot;Get a hold of yourself and buy some bloomin batteries!%26quot;
And trust me thats not
Bet Darkrai done it to you.What can i do.....?Forget the remote, lass. Your BlackBeard will entertain ye. I also have more rum for ye.
Car stereo wont turn on?
i just bought a need sony xplod it had 4 speakers and cd/fm receiver it worked then i wanted to see how loud it would go and still have a clean sound then it just shut off and it wont turn back on i respliced all the wires and changes the fuse in the car and in the stereo and it still wont turn on?? any ideasssCar stereo wont turn on?Check the fuses again check ground wireCar stereo wont turn on?are you still getting 12 volts on the power wire, and 12 volts on the keyed power wire with the key on?Car stereo wont turn on?Which fuse did you change? There is sometimes one in the stereo and one in the car's fusebox... check them both.
Also check the wires are connected properly
Also check the wires are connected properly
No power to my amp (performance technique 2000 w)?
Okay...I took my box out of my car which was sitting in my room for about a month or so. So when I finally hooked it back up, I noticed my fuse was blown to my battery which is a 80g. Im guessing I let the fuse blow from being hooked up with power with no subs plugged in. After changing the fuse and knocking my head against the window for a few blocks I noticed a few songs didn't have that kick. So I pulled over and checked the fuse %26quot;that's strange%26quot; the 80g is still good. So I check over my wiring looks good. But theirs no power to my CAP so that's how I know theirs a issue with a power source. So I look over the remote wire which is still connected, looks fine. I thought to check the amp fuse which I couldn't pull out with ease im not going to force it. If I could afford to brake it I would just take it to a shop right? So....can anyone help?No power to my amp (performance technique 2000 w)?First off, when you took the box out of your car did you tape off the power and the ground wires? If they touched each other at any point while unhooked it would have caused the fuse to blow.
What is your amp's fuse rating, and what gauge wire are you using? The fuse under your hood should be close to the same as your amp's fuse rating. Also, you should use the biggest wire that will fit in your amplifier. They make the power and ground inserts able to accept certain wire sizes for a reason. It is not a bad idea to have another in-line fuse between your cap and your amplifier.
Most likely, you simply blew the fuses on your amplifier. Just pull them out with some needle nose pliers. Sometimes you have to pull hard, but even if part of the fuze breaks off then you can get it out with the pliers, I just did this yesterday at my job at a local stereo shop. One of the prong's of the fuse broke and I just simply pulled that out too.
If it is not the fuse then Take a small speaker wire and touch one end to the power, and one end to the remote. This will basically be like hooking up your battery directly to your power and remote. If the amp turns on then you simply have a problem with your remote.
If the amplifier still does not turn on then check the connections to all power. Try removing the Cap from your system and seeing if it works then. If so then you have a problem with your cap.
You may also try replacing the fuse under your hood. Even if a fuse does not appear to be bad, they can still go bad occasionally.
Make sure you have a good amplifier ground and a good ground on your cap. Make sure wherever you have your ground is a good thick piece of metal that has been sanded down to bare metal.
If none of the above work, than try borrowing a friend's amp and seeing if it turns on. If the amp does turn on then your amp is bad.No power to my amp (performance technique 2000 w)?It's wired, now when I put the remote back to the cigg lighter and try to jump my system no power at all. I'm pulling out my hair, is it that the guy that I got my new fuse from just sold me a bad one? Well cant be because it powered up in the first place right? Or is the remote wire bad it's self?
What is your amp's fuse rating, and what gauge wire are you using? The fuse under your hood should be close to the same as your amp's fuse rating. Also, you should use the biggest wire that will fit in your amplifier. They make the power and ground inserts able to accept certain wire sizes for a reason. It is not a bad idea to have another in-line fuse between your cap and your amplifier.
Most likely, you simply blew the fuses on your amplifier. Just pull them out with some needle nose pliers. Sometimes you have to pull hard, but even if part of the fuze breaks off then you can get it out with the pliers, I just did this yesterday at my job at a local stereo shop. One of the prong's of the fuse broke and I just simply pulled that out too.
If it is not the fuse then Take a small speaker wire and touch one end to the power, and one end to the remote. This will basically be like hooking up your battery directly to your power and remote. If the amp turns on then you simply have a problem with your remote.
If the amplifier still does not turn on then check the connections to all power. Try removing the Cap from your system and seeing if it works then. If so then you have a problem with your cap.
You may also try replacing the fuse under your hood. Even if a fuse does not appear to be bad, they can still go bad occasionally.
Make sure you have a good amplifier ground and a good ground on your cap. Make sure wherever you have your ground is a good thick piece of metal that has been sanded down to bare metal.
If none of the above work, than try borrowing a friend's amp and seeing if it turns on. If the amp does turn on then your amp is bad.No power to my amp (performance technique 2000 w)?It's wired, now when I put the remote back to the cigg lighter and try to jump my system no power at all. I'm pulling out my hair, is it that the guy that I got my new fuse from just sold me a bad one? Well cant be because it powered up in the first place right? Or is the remote wire bad it's self?
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No power to my amp (performance technique 2000 w)?did you check your ground wire and the front battery connection cause thats what mostly cause the amp to not turn on?Back Wiper Problem... Won't work :(?
so today I think i found the problem but i dont know how to repair it.
So here how my car works:
- I got 1 Button , If i click up It wash the window, Middle Shut off wiper, Down wiper working.
So when I changed my Fuse * was no good * Wiper Works ( Push button Down ) and when I push it up ( wash it My fuse always Blow up... I changed my fuse 3 times to realise that problem.
What should I do ?.. Go to dealer is it Wire problem because I need a 10A fuse and it always blow up Before I never had this problem. :(
Started like 1 month ago %26lt;/3 No love , No love for me anymore...Back Wiper Problem... Won't work :(?if it keeps blowing fuses it is obvious that your car has a short in the wiring , take it to your local nissan garage to get the fault repairedhow to curl hair with chi structuretoptr
so today I think i found the problem but i dont know how to repair it.
So here how my car works:
- I got 1 Button , If i click up It wash the window, Middle Shut off wiper, Down wiper working.
So when I changed my Fuse * was no good * Wiper Works ( Push button Down ) and when I push it up ( wash it My fuse always Blow up... I changed my fuse 3 times to realise that problem.
What should I do ?.. Go to dealer is it Wire problem because I need a 10A fuse and it always blow up Before I never had this problem. :(
Started like 1 month ago %26lt;/3 No love , No love for me anymore...Back Wiper Problem... Won't work :(?if it keeps blowing fuses it is obvious that your car has a short in the wiring , take it to your local nissan garage to get the fault repaired
How hard is it to change the neutral safety switch in a 98 jeep grand cherokee lorado?
my back up light arnt working. I changed the bulbs and the fuse. the next step would be the neutral safety switch. I looked at the chiltens book and it sais something about the linkage. has anybody dont this before? anything I should know before i try it? what ya got folks?How hard is it to change the neutral safety switch in a 98 jeep grand cherokee lorado?It's very easy.
Unplug it.
Unscrew it.
Duck because there's going to be some fluid coming at you.
Screw the new one in.
Plug it back in.
Top off trans fluid.
Best of Luck
Unplug it.
Unscrew it.
Duck because there's going to be some fluid coming at you.
Screw the new one in.
Plug it back in.
Top off trans fluid.
Best of Luck
How to fix a blowing horn in ford F150 1997?
The horn was not working.The horn fuse was blown under the hood. The horn was bad. I put a new horn, changed the fuse and after the horn keeps goinng off. I don't have alarm in the vehicle. I don't know if i have one it is a used vehicle which does not have power window. It is just the basic ford f150.
PS: Before I put the new the horn, each time i replaced the blown fuse and as soon as i changed it, the new fuse blew right away. Now fuse doesn't blow, only horn keeps going off. What could be the problem : Horn relay ? Switch pad in streering wheel? or other? Please help.
Thank youHow to fix a blowing horn in ford F150 1997?you already ansered your question check bothHow to fix a blowing horn in ford F150 1997?buy a dodgeHow to fix a blowing horn in ford F150 1997?you need to replace the plastic bushings in your steering wheel that prevents the connection to your horn when not in use.How to fix a blowing horn in ford F150 1997?it is probably the relay they aren't very expensive maybe 5-15 bucksHow to fix a blowing horn in ford F150 1997?its either the horn relay or the contacts in the steering wheel, but i would guess its the relay, they tend to get water in them and short out across the points inside making constant contact.
PS: Before I put the new the horn, each time i replaced the blown fuse and as soon as i changed it, the new fuse blew right away. Now fuse doesn't blow, only horn keeps going off. What could be the problem : Horn relay ? Switch pad in streering wheel? or other? Please help.
Thank youHow to fix a blowing horn in ford F150 1997?you already ansered your question check bothHow to fix a blowing horn in ford F150 1997?buy a dodgeHow to fix a blowing horn in ford F150 1997?you need to replace the plastic bushings in your steering wheel that prevents the connection to your horn when not in use.How to fix a blowing horn in ford F150 1997?it is probably the relay they aren't very expensive maybe 5-15 bucksHow to fix a blowing horn in ford F150 1997?its either the horn relay or the contacts in the steering wheel, but i would guess its the relay, they tend to get water in them and short out across the points inside making constant contact.
03 honda shadow sabre starting prob...?
i just baught the battery 4 months ago and i did take it to a mechanic and he said everything was A ok ... everything seems to work ok but when i ride it and it gets to normal temp seems like it doesnt want to start... how do you check the reg?? how do you check the stater??? are they easy to replace??? oh i did check and change the fuses they are all new and the old ones were still good...03 honda shadow sabre starting prob...?when you say it doesn't wanta start, are you saying the starter won't turn over, or turns over slow?-or- the starter is turning over but the bike won't start?
I am thinking you mean the starter won't turn over, the problem with bike starters is they use glue to hold the fields to the starter barrel, when the engine warms up it makes the glue soft so the fields come loose and come in contact with the armature. If this happens the starter will draw high volts and amps, an easy way to test if the starter is bad is hook up a voltage meter across the battery as you run the starter, if the volts drop below 8 volts, you have a bad starter, ( note: only make this test on a fully charged battery, a discharged battery will give you wrong test results)03 honda shadow sabre starting prob...?Put a DC voltmeter across the battery terminals. It should read a little over 12 volts. Start the engine and rev it up to about 2400 rpm. The meter should show over 13 volts, close to 14 is better. If you get that you know the charging system is OK.
I am thinking you mean the starter won't turn over, the problem with bike starters is they use glue to hold the fields to the starter barrel, when the engine warms up it makes the glue soft so the fields come loose and come in contact with the armature. If this happens the starter will draw high volts and amps, an easy way to test if the starter is bad is hook up a voltage meter across the battery as you run the starter, if the volts drop below 8 volts, you have a bad starter, ( note: only make this test on a fully charged battery, a discharged battery will give you wrong test results)03 honda shadow sabre starting prob...?Put a DC voltmeter across the battery terminals. It should read a little over 12 volts. Start the engine and rev it up to about 2400 rpm. The meter should show over 13 volts, close to 14 is better. If you get that you know the charging system is OK.
Under glow not working?
how to know if a bulb is blown or just not working because i just going them but with the snow and rain a couple don't glow, changed the fuse and a few worked but the just kind of flickered then cut off.
is it expensive to replace them?
oh and can i make lights in my car flash with bass hits?Under glow not working?You don't state brand or even type of lights , there are two types , neon and LED's
The Neon bulbs are easily broken examine them closely for breakage.
Streetglow Gold Series have a lifetime warranty if the outer plastic tube is not broken.
You can rewire them individually to test them. Also the transformer itself could have failed or the wiring is damaged.
LED's tubes can be tested the same way examine the tubes . the wiring and the control boxUnder glow not working?Underglow lights look cool on show cars, but if you actually drive your car on actual roads, pebbles and junk from the road will eventually damage lights mounted under the car, it just isn't a smart place to mount lights, but if you have the budget you can just replace them periodically. Google under glow lights or search eBay until you find something that looks like what you have, and then that gives you an estimate of what lights that look like yours cost.
is it expensive to replace them?
oh and can i make lights in my car flash with bass hits?Under glow not working?You don't state brand or even type of lights , there are two types , neon and LED's
The Neon bulbs are easily broken examine them closely for breakage.
Streetglow Gold Series have a lifetime warranty if the outer plastic tube is not broken.
You can rewire them individually to test them. Also the transformer itself could have failed or the wiring is damaged.
LED's tubes can be tested the same way examine the tubes . the wiring and the control boxUnder glow not working?Underglow lights look cool on show cars, but if you actually drive your car on actual roads, pebbles and junk from the road will eventually damage lights mounted under the car, it just isn't a smart place to mount lights, but if you have the budget you can just replace them periodically. Google under glow lights or search eBay until you find something that looks like what you have, and then that gives you an estimate of what lights that look like yours cost.
My abs and check engine light stays on 2001 Ford Sport Trac- anyone know the fix, or had this happen as well?
No apparent reason, just came on one day. My buddy has a computer that you can hook up to your rig and trouble shoot it - changed some fuses and tinkered around with things but had no luck. He thought it might be brake dust build up on whatever sensor that initiates the light - but haven't found or seen anything like that yet from underneath the rig? Would really like to cure the problem, without paying for a cure through the nose, we all know how that goes. I think the ABS light is also making the check engine light stay on - at least my thought. Have had it in for it's 75000 mile check up and they said all looked well - but it wasn't at a ford Dealer. Guess I should have paid the money and done it right with Ford - that is my current awnser - you got a better one?My abs and check engine light stays on 2001 Ford Sport Trac- anyone know the fix, or had this happen as well?The abs light is for brakes...check the fluid or how much wear is on them. The check engine light could be anything from your gas cap being loose to some thing more serious. If you have an AutoZone or other parts store near you, they can hook up a diagnostic computer to your car and it will tell what's wrong with it for free and then you will know exactly what's wrong before you spend money on it.My abs and check engine light stays on 2001 Ford Sport Trac- anyone know the fix, or had this happen as well?One of the most likely problems that year had was the differential ABS sensor. What codes were found?My abs and check engine light stays on 2001 Ford Sport Trac- anyone know the fix, or had this happen as well?as someone else has suggested what computer code was found??? unless you have found the correct codes there is little your friend can do! so amy i suggest a trip to %26quot;ford%26quot; had a 4d truck all sorts of trouble tried same thing, no go! even the Ford dealer was scratching their heads, One day, it dawned on my wife the idea, that maybe %26quot; the computer%26quot; has gone nuts! guess what %26quot;exactly%26quot;!!!!!! i would just bite my do it thyself and hot foot it!My abs and check engine light stays on 2001 Ford Sport Trac- anyone know the fix, or had this happen as well?it probably and O2 sensor my stang throws a code that says it running to lean then will turn around and say its running to rich.. all cause of an oxygen sensorcomforter take to wash new hair styles
PS2 No Power changed Diode now fuse is blowing?
The diode On the power board I changed it, Now the 3.15 amp Fuse keeps blowing ?? I know I put the new diode in correct. What else could it be, sounds like a short some where to me any help?? I put a 1 Amp fuse in does anybody know how many volts?? 1 amp ? volts?? HELP!!!PS2 No Power changed Diode now fuse is blowing?An amp is an amp, no matter how many volts. It's like a gallon.
Don't worry about the volt rating.
And when the diode blew, something else probably did too. It will take a good tech to find it.
Don't worry about the volt rating.
And when the diode blew, something else probably did too. It will take a good tech to find it.
Help with ford fiesta?
anyone know why on my 1995 fiesta that the beep to let u know the lights are still on only comes on when the passenger door opens not the driver also its the same with the interior light. they both used to work, but i recently changed a fuse and thought that may be something to do with it, any ideas how to fix it?Help with ford fiesta?It sounds as if the problem is just the push button door switch located in the drivers door shut.
These are very cheap to buy and they just pop out, change the wireing plug to the new switch and pop the new one in.Help with ford fiesta?its honestly not that much of a loss as it is a 95 fiesta but i can understand how this is annoying. yes it is possible you have blown a fuse. i suggest get a box of selected fuses and sit and check through your fuse box. otherwise its likely to be an electrical fault and will need to be taken to a dealer or to a mechanic. i personally would not really care.
These are very cheap to buy and they just pop out, change the wireing plug to the new switch and pop the new one in.Help with ford fiesta?its honestly not that much of a loss as it is a 95 fiesta but i can understand how this is annoying. yes it is possible you have blown a fuse. i suggest get a box of selected fuses and sit and check through your fuse box. otherwise its likely to be an electrical fault and will need to be taken to a dealer or to a mechanic. i personally would not really care.
Can a radio screw up the fuses on 99 Mitsubishi Mirage?
Here's a little background info...When I bought the car from my uncle, he had a radio installed that he wanted back. I bought a new radio and we thought that we could just switch them out and it work. My dad is colorblind and never installed a radio, but he figured he could do it himself. (My bf helped him with the colored wires) The first radio seemed to work fine and then shorted out within 5 mins. After much tinkering, we thought it was the radio itself not working. Bought a second radio, it did the same thing. Changed the fuse, it worked well for a little bit and then started flickering and wouldn't work. I wiggled the black ground wire and it started working..worked great for 10 mins, then it started shutting off and coming back on every few minutes. We turned the car off, left it alone for the night, next day we turn the car on and not only does the radio not work, but nothing in the dash works. i can't tell how fast im going, how hot the car is or how much gas is in the air isn't working good either. Everything worked wonderfully before the radio was put in. Could replacing the fuses fix everything? and if so, where can I find a fuse box diagram? i don't have the owner's manual because the car has been passed down. My dad had a little trouble with the fuse and thinks that he may have put the fuse in the wrong place.Can a radio screw up the fuses on 99 Mitsubishi Mirage?wow your so cheap
all you have to do is go on ebay and search for a
%26quot;Insert make/model of car here%26quot; to ISO lead
and buy one for a few quid/bucks w/e, and you dont have to cut, splice any wires, just clip in the adapters.
the wires were set up wrong, and you've probably damaged the electrical system if the fuses didn't blow.
just hope they blew.
all you have to do is go on ebay and search for a
%26quot;Insert make/model of car here%26quot; to ISO lead
and buy one for a few quid/bucks w/e, and you dont have to cut, splice any wires, just clip in the adapters.
the wires were set up wrong, and you've probably damaged the electrical system if the fuses didn't blow.
just hope they blew.
So all of a sudden the blower (like ac and heat) stopped working. I need some help! It's a 97 Honda Accord
It's the dial that you can choose how much air comes out... and yesterday while I was driving down the road it just all of a sudden started to work and then the next time I got in my car it didn't work again! Ahh! So now I have no heat and no ac! Someone please help me! I've changed the fuse (it wasn't blown but I changed it just in case) and my car isn't overheating!So all of a sudden the blower (like ac and heat) stopped working. I need some help! It's a 97 Honda AccordIt's either the switch, the motor/fan, or something in between. If it's a relay, it could be a cheap and easy fix. If it's the blower, well, parts won't be expensive but it could be a real pain in the ***.
IS there actually any heat or cold? Like, do the vents or any area around or under the dash get warm or cold, it just isn't blowing out? If so, and particularly if you can get both, you can be pretty sure your switch is good. (It's still switching between AC and heat, in that case)
Also if your fuse isn't blown, or visibly broken it's still good. you don't have to change it %26quot;just in case.%26quot; Keep the old one in the car as a spare.So all of a sudden the blower (like ac and heat) stopped working. I need some help! It's a 97 Honda AccordYou're relay is probably going bad. or you have a loose connection somewhere in the wiring. It could also be the switch going badSo all of a sudden the blower (like ac and heat) stopped working. I need some help! It's a 97 Honda AccordSounds liket the compressor might be out to me. Could also be the switch, but Honda's do not usually have problems like that so soon.So all of a sudden the blower (like ac and heat) stopped working. I need some help! It's a 97 Honda Accordcheck the timing belt but your car must be serviced by authorized personnel.So all of a sudden the blower (like ac and heat) stopped working. I need some help! It's a 97 Honda AccordThe first thing that came to mind was the fuse, but since you changed that, and it still doesn't blow air, then it must be the blower motor itself. Or like the others have said, the switch might be bad.So all of a sudden the blower (like ac and heat) stopped working. I need some help! It's a 97 Honda AccordIt might be a censor, it could be loose or it could be damaged.So all of a sudden the blower (like ac and heat) stopped working. I need some help! It's a 97 Honda Accordwhat the problem sounds like to me is the brushes in the blower motor are bad nothing you can do about that other then to buy a brand new blower motor. you might want to remove your old blower motor and you can hot wire them and see if it works that way if it does then its not your blower motor. could be a bad relay or even a lose connection. hope this info helps you out
IS there actually any heat or cold? Like, do the vents or any area around or under the dash get warm or cold, it just isn't blowing out? If so, and particularly if you can get both, you can be pretty sure your switch is good. (It's still switching between AC and heat, in that case)
Also if your fuse isn't blown, or visibly broken it's still good. you don't have to change it %26quot;just in case.%26quot; Keep the old one in the car as a spare.So all of a sudden the blower (like ac and heat) stopped working. I need some help! It's a 97 Honda AccordYou're relay is probably going bad. or you have a loose connection somewhere in the wiring. It could also be the switch going badSo all of a sudden the blower (like ac and heat) stopped working. I need some help! It's a 97 Honda AccordSounds liket the compressor might be out to me. Could also be the switch, but Honda's do not usually have problems like that so soon.So all of a sudden the blower (like ac and heat) stopped working. I need some help! It's a 97 Honda Accordcheck the timing belt but your car must be serviced by authorized personnel.So all of a sudden the blower (like ac and heat) stopped working. I need some help! It's a 97 Honda AccordThe first thing that came to mind was the fuse, but since you changed that, and it still doesn't blow air, then it must be the blower motor itself. Or like the others have said, the switch might be bad.So all of a sudden the blower (like ac and heat) stopped working. I need some help! It's a 97 Honda AccordIt might be a censor, it could be loose or it could be damaged.So all of a sudden the blower (like ac and heat) stopped working. I need some help! It's a 97 Honda Accordwhat the problem sounds like to me is the brushes in the blower motor are bad nothing you can do about that other then to buy a brand new blower motor. you might want to remove your old blower motor and you can hot wire them and see if it works that way if it does then its not your blower motor. could be a bad relay or even a lose connection. hope this info helps you out
How do I find out what my wire is rated for my electrical wire?
I bought a new stove and plug that is 50 amp. My fuses on my wire to the stove is 35amp. I want to see if I can just change out my fuses to make it 50 amp, but I dont know what the rating is on my wire going to the stove.How do I find out what my wire is rated for my electrical wire?I think an easy way to measure your wire would be to:
1) Go to the panel box and shut off the breaker. Lock it out in case someone decides to turn it on again when you are working on it.
2) Take off the Faceplate to the receptacle. Pull out the receptacle and use a pair of wire strippers to measure the wire gauge of the wire.
3) If the wire is 8awg or smaller it should be replaced with 6 awg wire.
Some info from the National Electrical Code:
210.19(A)(1) Branch circuit conductors shall (this means mandatory) have an ampacity not less than the maximum load to be served.
Table 310.16 shows that 8 awg is rated for 40 amps and 6 awg is rated for 55 amps.
210.19(A)(3) Exception number 2; A neutral conductor of a 3 wire branch circuit supplying a household range shall have an ampacity of not less than 70 percent of the branch circuit rating and shall not be smaller than 10 awg.
This is because on a 120/240 3 wire branch circuit the neutral conductor carries only the unbalanced current between the two hot leads. To calculate this multiply 50 amps X .70. So your neutral conductor needs only to be rated for 35 amps. An 8 awg wire would suffice for the neutral.
What is the nameplate rating of your range?How do I find out what my wire is rated for my electrical wire?Wire is rated for amps by the wire size. It would be unsafe to raise the fuse to a 50 if the current wire is sized for 35. You would be better leaving the fuse as a 35.How do I find out what my wire is rated for my electrical wire?You must look at the wires themselves to first determine their gage and secondly, you must determine their length(run) between the fuse box and the outlet. The longer the run,the larger in diameter the wires must be, to handle the total amperage the appliance can consume at it's most loaded moment. These details are necessary to know so that you can work the necessary mathematics to calculate what size wire is needed to complete the job with a margin of safety. These calculations must include a recommended service supply box along with recommended fuse types.-Again, their must be a margin of safety involved. Better to over-build the wiring AND install the correct type of fuse.How do I find out what my wire is rated for my electrical wire?if all you have on that line is the stove, you will be fine with everything as is.How do I find out what my wire is rated for my electrical wire?Look at the wire going to the stove breaker in your panel.
The size is printed on the wire.
If it was a 35A breaker it should be #8 AWG.
The bad news is that for 50A. You need # 6 AWG.
(Those numbers are for copper wire.)
Don't try to put a 50A. fuse in front of # 8 wire.
It will overheat eventually with risk of fire.kenra products programming
1) Go to the panel box and shut off the breaker. Lock it out in case someone decides to turn it on again when you are working on it.
2) Take off the Faceplate to the receptacle. Pull out the receptacle and use a pair of wire strippers to measure the wire gauge of the wire.
3) If the wire is 8awg or smaller it should be replaced with 6 awg wire.
Some info from the National Electrical Code:
210.19(A)(1) Branch circuit conductors shall (this means mandatory) have an ampacity not less than the maximum load to be served.
Table 310.16 shows that 8 awg is rated for 40 amps and 6 awg is rated for 55 amps.
210.19(A)(3) Exception number 2; A neutral conductor of a 3 wire branch circuit supplying a household range shall have an ampacity of not less than 70 percent of the branch circuit rating and shall not be smaller than 10 awg.
This is because on a 120/240 3 wire branch circuit the neutral conductor carries only the unbalanced current between the two hot leads. To calculate this multiply 50 amps X .70. So your neutral conductor needs only to be rated for 35 amps. An 8 awg wire would suffice for the neutral.
What is the nameplate rating of your range?How do I find out what my wire is rated for my electrical wire?Wire is rated for amps by the wire size. It would be unsafe to raise the fuse to a 50 if the current wire is sized for 35. You would be better leaving the fuse as a 35.How do I find out what my wire is rated for my electrical wire?You must look at the wires themselves to first determine their gage and secondly, you must determine their length(run) between the fuse box and the outlet. The longer the run,the larger in diameter the wires must be, to handle the total amperage the appliance can consume at it's most loaded moment. These details are necessary to know so that you can work the necessary mathematics to calculate what size wire is needed to complete the job with a margin of safety. These calculations must include a recommended service supply box along with recommended fuse types.-Again, their must be a margin of safety involved. Better to over-build the wiring AND install the correct type of fuse.How do I find out what my wire is rated for my electrical wire?if all you have on that line is the stove, you will be fine with everything as is.How do I find out what my wire is rated for my electrical wire?Look at the wire going to the stove breaker in your panel.
The size is printed on the wire.
If it was a 35A breaker it should be #8 AWG.
The bad news is that for 50A. You need # 6 AWG.
(Those numbers are for copper wire.)
Don't try to put a 50A. fuse in front of # 8 wire.
It will overheat eventually with risk of fire.
My ignition does not turn on anything nor crank over engine, any ideas?
I have a '92 Chevy c1500, 350 5.7 litre engine. last week i tried to start it. turned the key to the start position, dash indicators, radio, heater and buzzer came on like normal. Went to crank over the engine and everything cut out. It normally costs $130 to tow it to the nearest technician shop ($65 there and back). Plus $65/hr for labor costs just to figure out the problem. Don't know how much for the parts they usually try to scam you into getting. So I have checked all connections from battery to starter to ignition switch. Checked all switches and fuses. Changed the starter, ignition switch and park/neutral switch. Battery works fine only a year old, and head lights including high beams, dome light and under-hood light all come on except there isn't a buzzer when I turn them on with ignition off. Normally there is a buzzer. most of my fiancee's family has worked on or with Chevy's and don't have a clue what it could be. I have even tried pushing up the shifter. Please help!My ignition does not turn on anything nor crank over engine, any ideas?Does your solenoid click when you try to start it? If so, you have a poor connection, low battery or a bad solenoid. If you know your batteries pretty good, (try your horn) use a 12-volt test light to check for power to the small terminal on the starter solenoid, connecting the alligator clip to the battery negative terminal. If it lights up, change the solenoid. If not, work your way back through the circuit, and/or check for engine ground. (see Galen B's post) You can try the screwdriver jump across the terminals, just make sure the screwdriver doesn't touch any metal besides the small terminal while it's touching the main terminal, or it's 4th of July time. This is a lot safer when the starter is out of the car.My ignition does not turn on anything nor crank over engine, any ideas?Check to see if you have a good ground. If that motor is not grounded, then that would be your problem. I went through hell to figure that out on my 80 K30. I wish I would have thought to check for a good ground first. Good luck.My ignition does not turn on anything nor crank over engine, any ideas?99.9%starter or wires to itMy ignition does not turn on anything nor crank over engine, any ideas?The battery may not have the amount of amps. you need to turn the starter Have the battery checked for cranking see if it could take the amps that the starter would need.My ignition does not turn on anything nor crank over engine, any ideas?I had the sam thing happen to me and it was my coil which is mounted under the distributer cap if that is not it take out your module which is mounted under the dist. cap and autozone or oreillys will check it for free.My ignition does not turn on anything nor crank over engine, any ideas?You didn't mention the ground cable. Run a booster cable from the negative side of the battery to the engine block and try again. If that works, you are not getting the ground from the battery.
You should also be able to jumper a screwdriver across the starter from where the positive wire connects to the starter to where the ignition wire connects to the starter. This will bypass the ignition switch. If this starts it, the problem is in the ignition circuit. I don't know if there is a relay in the ignition line.My ignition does not turn on anything nor crank over engine, any ideas?Galen B has got your answer. Just don't stand directly in front of the vehicle when you do this and keep you hand OFF the metal part of the screwdriver.
You should also be able to jumper a screwdriver across the starter from where the positive wire connects to the starter to where the ignition wire connects to the starter. This will bypass the ignition switch. If this starts it, the problem is in the ignition circuit. I don't know if there is a relay in the ignition line.My ignition does not turn on anything nor crank over engine, any ideas?Galen B has got your answer. Just don't stand directly in front of the vehicle when you do this and keep you hand OFF the metal part of the screwdriver.
Front power outlet in Honda Accord not working!?
The front power outlet in my 2003 Honda Accord Coupe 4cyl is not working. Its the one just in front of the shift. I changed the fuse and it still doesn't work. The one in the center console is working but I want to get an FM tuner for my iPhone so i need the front outlet. About how much would it cost for the dealer to replace this power outlet? Can I get this done at autozone or pepboys or something like that?Front power outlet in Honda Accord not working!?if the one in the console works and the one in front of the shifter does not then the problem is definetly with the socket itself. Both of the accessory outlets are on the same circuit and share the same fuse and relay.
the accessory outlet sockets are cheap. anyone can replace them. there is a nut on the back of the socket that holds it in the housing. that nut has to be removed from under the console pocket in order to remove the socket. I think the console pocket that includes the accessory socket will just pop out if you just insert a flat screwdriver blade into the gap around it and gently pry upward. Once it pops up you can disconnect the connector and remove the socket nut. I don't see why a PepBoys couldn't do this.
The factory socket has two wires. I'd buy the replacement from honda as they are inexpensive. A universal fit socket usually only has one terminal and requires a separate ground which would mean they would have to splice a new wire into the wires from the old socket. Avoid the aggrevation and buy the honda socket.
I can't imagine a dealer charging more than $30 to install the new socket if you don't want to try it yourself. the socket should be about $10 at the dealer.
hope that helps.Front power outlet in Honda Accord not working!?you could by a one into two power outlet and plug that into your cig socket for quickness and forget about the other socket you can buy one of these from any auto zone shops or car spare outlets over here in england i would go halfords and get one of the shelf
the accessory outlet sockets are cheap. anyone can replace them. there is a nut on the back of the socket that holds it in the housing. that nut has to be removed from under the console pocket in order to remove the socket. I think the console pocket that includes the accessory socket will just pop out if you just insert a flat screwdriver blade into the gap around it and gently pry upward. Once it pops up you can disconnect the connector and remove the socket nut. I don't see why a PepBoys couldn't do this.
The factory socket has two wires. I'd buy the replacement from honda as they are inexpensive. A universal fit socket usually only has one terminal and requires a separate ground which would mean they would have to splice a new wire into the wires from the old socket. Avoid the aggrevation and buy the honda socket.
I can't imagine a dealer charging more than $30 to install the new socket if you don't want to try it yourself. the socket should be about $10 at the dealer.
hope that helps.Front power outlet in Honda Accord not working!?you could by a one into two power outlet and plug that into your cig socket for quickness and forget about the other socket you can buy one of these from any auto zone shops or car spare outlets over here in england i would go halfords and get one of the shelf
Ultrasonic cleaning unit needs repaired?
Recently someone gave me an L%26amp;R ultrasonic cleaning unit that was broken, after changing the fuse the machine would turn on but it smoked under the tub, turning the tub over I found that there are two disks glued to the bottom of the tub and one of them is cracked. I don't know much about these things and simply giving the name of the part would be a great help (though if you know how to repair, or where to attain a new one don't hold back =))
- ThanksUltrasonic cleaning unit needs repaired?Sometimes there are reasons things are free. Often parts cost more than a new unit.Ultrasonic cleaning unit needs repaired?google ultrasonic cleaners
- ThanksUltrasonic cleaning unit needs repaired?Sometimes there are reasons things are free. Often parts cost more than a new unit.Ultrasonic cleaning unit needs repaired?google ultrasonic cleaners
Anyone heard about Frank Feldman?
A man walks out to the street and catches a taxi just going by.
He gets into the taxi and the cabbie says, %26quot;Perfect timing. You're just
like Frank.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;Who?%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;Frank Feldman. He's a guy who did everything right all the time.
Like my coming along when you needed a cab, things happened like that
to Frank Feldman every single time.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;There are always a few clouds over everybody.%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;Not Frank Feldman. He was a terrific athlete.
He could have won the Grand Slam at tennis.
He could golf with the pros.
He sang like an opera baritone and danced like a Broadway star and you
should have
heard him play the piano. He was an amazing guy.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;Sounds like he was something really special.%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;There's more ... He had a memory like a computer.
He remembered everybody's birthday.
He knew all about wine, which foods to order and which fork to eat them
He could fix anything. Not like me.
I change a fuse, and the whole street blacks out.
But Frank Feldman, he could do everything right.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;Wow, some guy then.%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;He always knew the quickest way to go in traffic and avoid traffic
Not like me, I always seem to get stuck in them.
But Frank, he never made a mistake, and he really knew how to treat a woman
and make her feel good.
He would never answer her back even if she was in the wrong; and his
clothing was always immaculate, shoes highly polished too.
He was the perfect man! He never made a mistake.
No one could ever measure up to Frank Feldman.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;An amazing fellow. How did you meet him?%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;Well, I never actually met Frank.
He died ... I'm married to his Bloody Widow!%26quot;Anyone heard about Frank Feldman?Ha! ha! ha! good one....Anyone heard about Frank Feldman?Poor Cabbie.Anyone heard about Frank Feldman?LOL
first joke in ages to make me laugh!
well played there my friend!! =DAnyone heard about Frank Feldman?Funny! 100!Anyone heard about Frank Feldman?And he had the Perfect Escape from the wife !Anyone heard about Frank Feldman?Frank could do no wrongAnyone heard about Frank Feldman?hahahah the widow talks about him all the timeAnyone heard about Frank Feldman?i like :)
He gets into the taxi and the cabbie says, %26quot;Perfect timing. You're just
like Frank.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;Who?%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;Frank Feldman. He's a guy who did everything right all the time.
Like my coming along when you needed a cab, things happened like that
to Frank Feldman every single time.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;There are always a few clouds over everybody.%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;Not Frank Feldman. He was a terrific athlete.
He could have won the Grand Slam at tennis.
He could golf with the pros.
He sang like an opera baritone and danced like a Broadway star and you
should have
heard him play the piano. He was an amazing guy.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;Sounds like he was something really special.%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;There's more ... He had a memory like a computer.
He remembered everybody's birthday.
He knew all about wine, which foods to order and which fork to eat them
He could fix anything. Not like me.
I change a fuse, and the whole street blacks out.
But Frank Feldman, he could do everything right.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;Wow, some guy then.%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;He always knew the quickest way to go in traffic and avoid traffic
Not like me, I always seem to get stuck in them.
But Frank, he never made a mistake, and he really knew how to treat a woman
and make her feel good.
He would never answer her back even if she was in the wrong; and his
clothing was always immaculate, shoes highly polished too.
He was the perfect man! He never made a mistake.
No one could ever measure up to Frank Feldman.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;An amazing fellow. How did you meet him?%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;Well, I never actually met Frank.
He died ... I'm married to his Bloody Widow!%26quot;Anyone heard about Frank Feldman?Ha! ha! ha! good one....Anyone heard about Frank Feldman?Poor Cabbie.Anyone heard about Frank Feldman?LOL
first joke in ages to make me laugh!
well played there my friend!! =DAnyone heard about Frank Feldman?Funny! 100!Anyone heard about Frank Feldman?And he had the Perfect Escape from the wife !Anyone heard about Frank Feldman?Frank could do no wrongAnyone heard about Frank Feldman?hahahah the widow talks about him all the timeAnyone heard about Frank Feldman?i like :)
Was this cabbie telling me the truth?
One day I walked out to the street and caught a taxi just going by. I got into
the taxi, and the cabbie said, %26quot;Perfect timing. You're just like
Me: %26quot;Who?%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;Frank Feldman. He's a guy who did everything
right all the time. Like my coming along when you needed a cab, things
happen like that to Frank Feldman every single time.%26quot;
Me: %26quot;There are always a few clouds over everybody.%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;Not Frank Feldman. He was a terrific athlete. He could have won the Grand
Slam at tennis. He could golf with the pros. He sang like an opera
baritone and danced like a Broadway star and you should have heard him
play the piano. He was an amazing guy.%26quot;
Me: %26quot;Sounds like he was something really special.%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;There's more. He had a memory like a computer. He remembered everybody's birthday. He knew all
about wine, which foods to order and which fork to eat them with. He
could fix anything. Not like me. I change a fuse, and the whole street
blacks out. But Frank Feldman, he could do everything
Me: %26quot;Wow. Some guy then.%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;He always knew the quickest way to go in traffic and avoid traffic jams.
Not like me, I always seem to get stuck in them. But Frank, he never
made a mistake, and he really knew how to treat a woman and make her
feel good. He would never answer her back even if she was in the wrong;
and his clothing was always immaculate, shoes highly polished too. He
was the perfect man! He never made a mistake. No one could ever measure
up to Frank Feldman.%26quot;
Me: %26quot;An amazing fellow. How did you meet him?%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;Well, I never actually met Frank. He died. I'm married to his friggin
widow.%26quot;Was this cabbie telling me the truth?No that cabbie was not telling you the truth at all... he's not married to me and my husband檚 name is not Frank. :)
Stand by your man..................................Was this cabbie telling me the truth?LMAO, could you relate after that knowing how cynical and cruel women are?Was this cabbie telling me the truth?LMAO i needed that onedatabase client time
the taxi, and the cabbie said, %26quot;Perfect timing. You're just like
Me: %26quot;Who?%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;Frank Feldman. He's a guy who did everything
right all the time. Like my coming along when you needed a cab, things
happen like that to Frank Feldman every single time.%26quot;
Me: %26quot;There are always a few clouds over everybody.%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;Not Frank Feldman. He was a terrific athlete. He could have won the Grand
Slam at tennis. He could golf with the pros. He sang like an opera
baritone and danced like a Broadway star and you should have heard him
play the piano. He was an amazing guy.%26quot;
Me: %26quot;Sounds like he was something really special.%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;There's more. He had a memory like a computer. He remembered everybody's birthday. He knew all
about wine, which foods to order and which fork to eat them with. He
could fix anything. Not like me. I change a fuse, and the whole street
blacks out. But Frank Feldman, he could do everything
Me: %26quot;Wow. Some guy then.%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;He always knew the quickest way to go in traffic and avoid traffic jams.
Not like me, I always seem to get stuck in them. But Frank, he never
made a mistake, and he really knew how to treat a woman and make her
feel good. He would never answer her back even if she was in the wrong;
and his clothing was always immaculate, shoes highly polished too. He
was the perfect man! He never made a mistake. No one could ever measure
up to Frank Feldman.%26quot;
Me: %26quot;An amazing fellow. How did you meet him?%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;Well, I never actually met Frank. He died. I'm married to his friggin
widow.%26quot;Was this cabbie telling me the truth?No that cabbie was not telling you the truth at all... he's not married to me and my husband檚 name is not Frank. :)
Stand by your man..................................Was this cabbie telling me the truth?LMAO, could you relate after that knowing how cynical and cruel women are?Was this cabbie telling me the truth?LMAO i needed that one
Monday, September 19, 2011
Brian! Joke! Star if this made you smile?
A man walked out to the street and caught a taxi just going by. He got
into the taxi, and the cabbie said, %26quot;Perfect timing. You're just like %26quot;Brian!
Passenger: %26quot;Who?%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;Brian Sullivan. He's a guy who did everything right all the time. Like my coming along when you needed a cab, things happen like that to Brian Sullivan, every single time.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;There are always a few clouds over everybody.%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;Not Brian Sullivan. He was a terrific athlete. He could have won the Grand Slam at tennis. He could golf with the pros. He sang like an opera baritone and danced like a Broadway star and you should have heard him play the piano. He was an amazing guy.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;Sounds like he was something really special.%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;There's more. He had a memory like a computer. He remembered everybody's birthday. He knew all about wine, which foods to order and which fork to eat them with. He could fix anything. Not like me. I change a fuse, and the whole street blacks out. But Brian Sullivan, he could do everything right.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;Wow. Some guy then.%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;He always knew the quickest way to go in traffic and avoid traffic jams. Not like me, I always seem to get stuck in them. But Brian, he never made a mistake, and he really knew how to treat a woman and make her feel good. He would never answer her back even if she was in the wrong; and his clothing was always immaculate, shoes highly polished too. He was the perfect man! He never made a mistake. No one could ever measure up to Brian Sullivan.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;An amazing fellow. How did you meet him?%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;Well, I never actually met Brian. He died. I'm married to his
f___ng' widow.%26quot;Brian! Joke! Star if this made you smile?thats quite a joke. it kinda made me luagh, its kinda sad but really not. hahaha. btw, your picture you chose for your account picture is adorable, i ?that puppy. ! I'll try to star you. (if i can find out how.) ok, i starred it.Brian! Joke! Star if this made you smile?LOVE this!Brian! Joke! Star if this made you smile?That was dumb and not funny at allBrian! Joke! Star if this made you smile?I thought it was kind of sad...
Did the taxi driver kill him and marry his wife?
into the taxi, and the cabbie said, %26quot;Perfect timing. You're just like %26quot;Brian!
Passenger: %26quot;Who?%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;Brian Sullivan. He's a guy who did everything right all the time. Like my coming along when you needed a cab, things happen like that to Brian Sullivan, every single time.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;There are always a few clouds over everybody.%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;Not Brian Sullivan. He was a terrific athlete. He could have won the Grand Slam at tennis. He could golf with the pros. He sang like an opera baritone and danced like a Broadway star and you should have heard him play the piano. He was an amazing guy.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;Sounds like he was something really special.%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;There's more. He had a memory like a computer. He remembered everybody's birthday. He knew all about wine, which foods to order and which fork to eat them with. He could fix anything. Not like me. I change a fuse, and the whole street blacks out. But Brian Sullivan, he could do everything right.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;Wow. Some guy then.%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;He always knew the quickest way to go in traffic and avoid traffic jams. Not like me, I always seem to get stuck in them. But Brian, he never made a mistake, and he really knew how to treat a woman and make her feel good. He would never answer her back even if she was in the wrong; and his clothing was always immaculate, shoes highly polished too. He was the perfect man! He never made a mistake. No one could ever measure up to Brian Sullivan.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;An amazing fellow. How did you meet him?%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;Well, I never actually met Brian. He died. I'm married to his
f___ng' widow.%26quot;Brian! Joke! Star if this made you smile?thats quite a joke. it kinda made me luagh, its kinda sad but really not. hahaha. btw, your picture you chose for your account picture is adorable, i ?that puppy. ! I'll try to star you. (if i can find out how.) ok, i starred it.Brian! Joke! Star if this made you smile?LOVE this!Brian! Joke! Star if this made you smile?That was dumb and not funny at allBrian! Joke! Star if this made you smile?I thought it was kind of sad...
Did the taxi driver kill him and marry his wife?
Is there such a thing as the perfect man?
A man walks to the corner of Oxford Street and Regent Street in London during a downpour and somehow manages to get a taxi straight away.
He gets into the taxi, and the cabbie says: %26quot;Perfect timing. You're just like Stevie%26quot;
%26quot;Who?%26quot; says the man.
%26quot;Stevie Jones. He was a guy who did everything right. Like my taxi being vacant during a rainstorm. It would have happened for Stevie.%26quot;
%26quot;Well no one is perfect. There are always a few clouds over everybody,%26quot; the man replies.
%26quot;Not Stevie,%26quot; says cabbie. %26quot;He was a terrific athlete. He could have turned professional at golf or tennis and he danced like a West End star. He was handsome and sophisticated, more than George Clooney. He had a better body than Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime. He was something!%26quot;
%26quot;Somehow Stevie just new exactly how to make women happy,%26quot; the cabbie continues.
%26quot;He had a memory like a computer. Could remember everybody's birthday. He could fix anything. Not like me. I change a fuse and the whole street blacks out.%26quot;
%26quot;No wonder you remember him!%26quot; says the man.
%26quot;I never actually met Stevie,%26quot; admits cabbie.
%26quot;Then how do you know so much about him?%26quot; asks the man.
%26quot;After he died I married his wife.%26quot;Is there such a thing as the perfect man?Ha ha ha.!!!
That is good.!!!
Cheers mate got me laughing.!!Is there such a thing as the perfect man?Thank you.
Stevie is just like my manIs there such a thing as the perfect man?no one is perfectIs there such a thing as the perfect man?What do a perfect man and UFO's have in common?
I have heard they exist but i have never seen 1
The perfect man and the perfect woman are on their perfect honeymoon, when they see Santa Clause on the side of the road. Being the perfect couple they stop and help him finish his route, but on the way, they get in the perfect car crash and all but 1 of them die. Who is it?
the perfect woman becuase none of the others exist,
A smart blonde, a perfect man and god are in an elevator and there is a $100 bill on the floor, who picks it up?
The next person to get on the elevator-
Non of them existIs there such a thing as the perfect man?isn't the perferct man, Santa Claus?Is there such a thing as the perfect man?well in some eyes there is suck thing as a perfect man .although for me it would depend on what the man as being judged for and why and than ,what makes him perfect would be in the eye of the beholder so i would say yes there is such thing as a perfect man in some peoples mind but may i remind everyone that no one is perfect and that we are all sinners and there is no such thing as perfect as everyone sees things differently and we all have flaws therefore my answer would be no no man nor we man would or should be perfect some people ask questions before thought this one took very little thought and alto of common seance i hope that people will think before they speak and listen to learn and oUr world would be much easier and if Ur looking for the perfect man than i am sorry to tell u you will never find it unless ur looking in a differ ant demean er so to speak life is way more enjoyable than looking for perfection look for other things and u may find life is more pleasurable than you think!!!!Is there such a thing as the perfect man?hahahaahahahahahhahahahah poor cabbie!!!!!Is there such a thing as the perfect man?I feel sorry for the taxi driver.Is there such a thing as the perfect man?LOL....thats funny
He gets into the taxi, and the cabbie says: %26quot;Perfect timing. You're just like Stevie%26quot;
%26quot;Who?%26quot; says the man.
%26quot;Stevie Jones. He was a guy who did everything right. Like my taxi being vacant during a rainstorm. It would have happened for Stevie.%26quot;
%26quot;Well no one is perfect. There are always a few clouds over everybody,%26quot; the man replies.
%26quot;Not Stevie,%26quot; says cabbie. %26quot;He was a terrific athlete. He could have turned professional at golf or tennis and he danced like a West End star. He was handsome and sophisticated, more than George Clooney. He had a better body than Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime. He was something!%26quot;
%26quot;Somehow Stevie just new exactly how to make women happy,%26quot; the cabbie continues.
%26quot;He had a memory like a computer. Could remember everybody's birthday. He could fix anything. Not like me. I change a fuse and the whole street blacks out.%26quot;
%26quot;No wonder you remember him!%26quot; says the man.
%26quot;I never actually met Stevie,%26quot; admits cabbie.
%26quot;Then how do you know so much about him?%26quot; asks the man.
%26quot;After he died I married his wife.%26quot;Is there such a thing as the perfect man?Ha ha ha.!!!
That is good.!!!
Cheers mate got me laughing.!!Is there such a thing as the perfect man?Thank you.
Report Abuse
Is there such a thing as the perfect man?Perfection doesnt even existIs there such a thing as the perfect man?Hahahaha, that about right!!!Is there such a thing as the perfect man?LMAO!!!!!!!!!Is there such a thing as the perfect man?he he good oneStevie is just like my manIs there such a thing as the perfect man?no one is perfectIs there such a thing as the perfect man?What do a perfect man and UFO's have in common?
I have heard they exist but i have never seen 1
The perfect man and the perfect woman are on their perfect honeymoon, when they see Santa Clause on the side of the road. Being the perfect couple they stop and help him finish his route, but on the way, they get in the perfect car crash and all but 1 of them die. Who is it?
the perfect woman becuase none of the others exist,
A smart blonde, a perfect man and god are in an elevator and there is a $100 bill on the floor, who picks it up?
The next person to get on the elevator-
Non of them existIs there such a thing as the perfect man?isn't the perferct man, Santa Claus?Is there such a thing as the perfect man?well in some eyes there is suck thing as a perfect man .although for me it would depend on what the man as being judged for and why and than ,what makes him perfect would be in the eye of the beholder so i would say yes there is such thing as a perfect man in some peoples mind but may i remind everyone that no one is perfect and that we are all sinners and there is no such thing as perfect as everyone sees things differently and we all have flaws therefore my answer would be no no man nor we man would or should be perfect some people ask questions before thought this one took very little thought and alto of common seance i hope that people will think before they speak and listen to learn and oUr world would be much easier and if Ur looking for the perfect man than i am sorry to tell u you will never find it unless ur looking in a differ ant demean er so to speak life is way more enjoyable than looking for perfection look for other things and u may find life is more pleasurable than you think!!!!Is there such a thing as the perfect man?hahahaahahahahahhahahahah poor cabbie!!!!!Is there such a thing as the perfect man?I feel sorry for the taxi driver.Is there such a thing as the perfect man?LOL....thats funny
Can anyone help with my 2000 Oldsmobile Alero?
I have a 2000 Oldsmobile Alero that I just bought used, however, there's a few problems. The car runs very well but there's a few inconveniences that I would like fixed. The first problem is the driver's side speaker to the stereo. It works but the sound is very faint. Any reason why this would happen and how I can fix it? The other two things that don't work are the remote mirrors and button to open the trunk. Do I need to change the fuse to these in order for them to work? Thanks in advance. I appreciate it.Can anyone help with my 2000 Oldsmobile Alero?It is possible the speaker is just blown, but I checked the schematic for the trunk release and it shares a fuse in the IP fuse block with the radio amp. As for the mirrors that fuse is also in the IP fuse panel.
Either you have multiple issues or maybe a main problem in the IP fuse block, possibly a water leak or loose wires.Can anyone help with my 2000 Oldsmobile Alero?I have the perfect solution.
Sell that poor car before something inevitably major occurs.Can anyone help with my 2000 Oldsmobile Alero?the speaker is probably blown,for the mirrors check the fuse and the trunk too there is fuses for all electronics parts in the car.
Either you have multiple issues or maybe a main problem in the IP fuse block, possibly a water leak or loose wires.Can anyone help with my 2000 Oldsmobile Alero?I have the perfect solution.
Sell that poor car before something inevitably major occurs.Can anyone help with my 2000 Oldsmobile Alero?the speaker is probably blown,for the mirrors check the fuse and the trunk too there is fuses for all electronics parts in the car.
Could you annotate this poem please?
- What is happening in 'The Chucky'
- How does the writer use language to interest the reader?
My grandmother
works the chucky. She funnels
A handful of maize* into the hole
just as her mother used to do.
Sometimes she feels the grainy texture
Of her grandmother聮s palm.
Once, the mud dried room
Filled with the spirits of all our mothers.
But usually all she can see
Is her ageing hand, all she can feel
Is an aching absence.
My mother
Has a Philips grinder and my sister
Knows how to change the fuse.
And when they make roasted maize
We always have it with spinach
And lots of butter. Sometimes the scents
Bring my grandmother back
Before our eyes, and we recall
The story of how our mother
Ran in with our father to tell
My grandmother of their plans to go to England.
Of how the grinding stopped and the flour
Spilt and the sudden silence
Was interrupted by a gust
Which shut the door on the light.Could you annotate this poem please?Read the question - what is it asking you - what happens in the poem, how does the poet use language to interest the reader? So your response should focus on the words used and why you think they have been employed.
Firstly %26quot;chucky%26quot; - an unusual, dialect word, which makes the reader want to find out more about this strange device.
The repitition of %26quot;mother%26quot; is also interesting, emphasising a ritual that has been passed down from mother to daughter. This is a connection with the past, and somehow the graininess of the maize reminds her grandmother of this, with her feeling the same sensations as her mother must have done.
I think %26quot;mud-dried%26quot; is also interesting as it highlights the primitive nature of the surroundings and the primal, simple nature of the task. This is a natural process, as is the drying out of mud in sunlight, which has been carried out since time immemorial.
%26quot;Aching absence%26quot; - note the assonance of the repeated %26quot;a%26quot; sound describes the pain of death and a loss of a loved one.
The traditional, family ritual of grinding the maize is contrasted with modern technology %26quot;My mother has a Philips grinder and my sister / Knows how to change the fuse%26quot; - whether this is positive (i.e. knowledge is still being passed on from generation to generation) or negative (the feel of the corn in the hands and the skill involved has been automated and as a result a connection with the past is lost) I think is ambiguous. However, I think the poet is saying that there is a fundamental change by moving to modern technology, which although is labour saving, disconnects us from the past.
This is reinforced by the shock of her mother telling her grandmother of their plans to leave. She runs in with excitement, interrupting the calm scene and disrupting the ancient ritual. The grinding of the corn is a metaphor for the way a younger generation has broken with the past, shown by the spilt flour and the closing of the door with the wind. Note the sibilance of %26quot;sudden silence%26quot; and the simple, monosyllabic words which end the poem. There is no words adequate to express her grandmother's grief, so the poet is content with a simple depiction of the finality of the door shutting. The grandmother is left alone, with an %26quot;aching absence%26quot;.
I thought this was a brilliant poem. It reminds me of Edwin Muir's classic poem %26quot;Horses%26quot; - describing how the survivors of a nuclear war have to abandon modern technology and rediscover the horse.Could you annotate this poem please?dont understand it at all sorry :(Could you annotate this poem please?noCould you annotate this poem please?(Poem start's here)
My grandmother
works the chucky. She funnels
A handful of maize* into the hole
just as her mother used to do.
Sometimes she feels the grainy texture
Of her grandmother聮s palm.
Once, the mud dried room
Filled with the spirits of all our mothers.
But usually all she can see
Is her ageing hand, all she can feel
Is an aching absence.
My mother
Has a Philips grinder and my sister
(Welcome to the middle of the poem!)
Knows how to change the fuse.
And when they make roasted maize
We always have it with spinach
And lots of butter. Sometimes the scents
Bring my grandmother back
Before our eyes, and we recall
The story of how our mother
Ran in with our father to tell
My grandmother of their plans to go to England.
Of how the grinding stopped and the flour
Spilt and the sudden silence
Was interrupted by a gust
Which shut the door on the light.
(Poem ends here)
- How does the writer use language to interest the reader?
My grandmother
works the chucky. She funnels
A handful of maize* into the hole
just as her mother used to do.
Sometimes she feels the grainy texture
Of her grandmother聮s palm.
Once, the mud dried room
Filled with the spirits of all our mothers.
But usually all she can see
Is her ageing hand, all she can feel
Is an aching absence.
My mother
Has a Philips grinder and my sister
Knows how to change the fuse.
And when they make roasted maize
We always have it with spinach
And lots of butter. Sometimes the scents
Bring my grandmother back
Before our eyes, and we recall
The story of how our mother
Ran in with our father to tell
My grandmother of their plans to go to England.
Of how the grinding stopped and the flour
Spilt and the sudden silence
Was interrupted by a gust
Which shut the door on the light.Could you annotate this poem please?Read the question - what is it asking you - what happens in the poem, how does the poet use language to interest the reader? So your response should focus on the words used and why you think they have been employed.
Firstly %26quot;chucky%26quot; - an unusual, dialect word, which makes the reader want to find out more about this strange device.
The repitition of %26quot;mother%26quot; is also interesting, emphasising a ritual that has been passed down from mother to daughter. This is a connection with the past, and somehow the graininess of the maize reminds her grandmother of this, with her feeling the same sensations as her mother must have done.
I think %26quot;mud-dried%26quot; is also interesting as it highlights the primitive nature of the surroundings and the primal, simple nature of the task. This is a natural process, as is the drying out of mud in sunlight, which has been carried out since time immemorial.
%26quot;Aching absence%26quot; - note the assonance of the repeated %26quot;a%26quot; sound describes the pain of death and a loss of a loved one.
The traditional, family ritual of grinding the maize is contrasted with modern technology %26quot;My mother has a Philips grinder and my sister / Knows how to change the fuse%26quot; - whether this is positive (i.e. knowledge is still being passed on from generation to generation) or negative (the feel of the corn in the hands and the skill involved has been automated and as a result a connection with the past is lost) I think is ambiguous. However, I think the poet is saying that there is a fundamental change by moving to modern technology, which although is labour saving, disconnects us from the past.
This is reinforced by the shock of her mother telling her grandmother of their plans to leave. She runs in with excitement, interrupting the calm scene and disrupting the ancient ritual. The grinding of the corn is a metaphor for the way a younger generation has broken with the past, shown by the spilt flour and the closing of the door with the wind. Note the sibilance of %26quot;sudden silence%26quot; and the simple, monosyllabic words which end the poem. There is no words adequate to express her grandmother's grief, so the poet is content with a simple depiction of the finality of the door shutting. The grandmother is left alone, with an %26quot;aching absence%26quot;.
I thought this was a brilliant poem. It reminds me of Edwin Muir's classic poem %26quot;Horses%26quot; - describing how the survivors of a nuclear war have to abandon modern technology and rediscover the horse.Could you annotate this poem please?dont understand it at all sorry :(Could you annotate this poem please?noCould you annotate this poem please?(Poem start's here)
My grandmother
works the chucky. She funnels
A handful of maize* into the hole
just as her mother used to do.
Sometimes she feels the grainy texture
Of her grandmother聮s palm.
Once, the mud dried room
Filled with the spirits of all our mothers.
But usually all she can see
Is her ageing hand, all she can feel
Is an aching absence.
My mother
Has a Philips grinder and my sister
(Welcome to the middle of the poem!)
Knows how to change the fuse.
And when they make roasted maize
We always have it with spinach
And lots of butter. Sometimes the scents
Bring my grandmother back
Before our eyes, and we recall
The story of how our mother
Ran in with our father to tell
My grandmother of their plans to go to England.
Of how the grinding stopped and the flour
Spilt and the sudden silence
Was interrupted by a gust
Which shut the door on the light.
(Poem ends here)
Heard the Joke about Frank Feldman?
A man walks out to the street and catches a taxi just going by. He gets into the taxi, and the cabbie says, 'Perfect timing. You're just like Frank.'
Passenger: 'Who?'
Cabbie: 'Frank Feldman. He's a guy who did everything right all the time.. Like my coming along when you needed a cab, things happened like that to Frank Feldman every single time.'
Passenger: 'There are always a few clouds over everybody.'
Cabbie: 'Not Frank Feldman. He was a terrific athlete. He could have won the Grand-Slam at tennis. He could golf with the pros. He sang like an opera baritone and danced like a Broadway star and you should have heard him play the piano. He was an amazing guy.'
Passenger: 'Sounds like he was something really special.'
Cabbie: 'There's more... He had a memory like a computer. He remembered everybody's birthday. He knew all about wine, which foods to order and which fork to eat them with. He could fix anything. Not like me. I change a fuse, and the whole street blacks out. But Frank Feldman, he could do everything right'
Passenger: 'Wow, some guy then.'
Cabbie: 'He always knew the quickest way to go in traffic and avoid traffic jams Not like me, I always seem to get stuck in them. But Frank, he never made a mistake, and he really knew how to treat a woman and make her feel good. He would never answer her back even if she was in the wrong; and his clothing was always immaculate, shoes highly polished too - He was the perfect man! He never made a mistake. No one could ever measure up to Frank Feldman.'
Passenger: 'An amazing fellow. How did you meet him?'
Cabbie: 'Well, I never actually met Frank, he died. I married his f**kin?widow.Heard the Joke about Frank Feldman?not that goodHeard the Joke about Frank Feldman?Hahahaha that's a great one!Heard the Joke about Frank Feldman?weird, it didn't make me laugh out loud, but it really amused me-easily your best joke.have a star!Heard the Joke about Frank Feldman?that's funny,but without the curse.Heard the Joke about Frank Feldman?I know the feeling.Heard the Joke about Frank Feldman?umm.. dnt get it..?xp indian baby girl name
Passenger: 'Who?'
Cabbie: 'Frank Feldman. He's a guy who did everything right all the time.. Like my coming along when you needed a cab, things happened like that to Frank Feldman every single time.'
Passenger: 'There are always a few clouds over everybody.'
Cabbie: 'Not Frank Feldman. He was a terrific athlete. He could have won the Grand-Slam at tennis. He could golf with the pros. He sang like an opera baritone and danced like a Broadway star and you should have heard him play the piano. He was an amazing guy.'
Passenger: 'Sounds like he was something really special.'
Cabbie: 'There's more... He had a memory like a computer. He remembered everybody's birthday. He knew all about wine, which foods to order and which fork to eat them with. He could fix anything. Not like me. I change a fuse, and the whole street blacks out. But Frank Feldman, he could do everything right'
Passenger: 'Wow, some guy then.'
Cabbie: 'He always knew the quickest way to go in traffic and avoid traffic jams Not like me, I always seem to get stuck in them. But Frank, he never made a mistake, and he really knew how to treat a woman and make her feel good. He would never answer her back even if she was in the wrong; and his clothing was always immaculate, shoes highly polished too - He was the perfect man! He never made a mistake. No one could ever measure up to Frank Feldman.'
Passenger: 'An amazing fellow. How did you meet him?'
Cabbie: 'Well, I never actually met Frank, he died. I married his f**kin?widow.Heard the Joke about Frank Feldman?not that goodHeard the Joke about Frank Feldman?Hahahaha that's a great one!Heard the Joke about Frank Feldman?weird, it didn't make me laugh out loud, but it really amused me-easily your best joke.have a star!Heard the Joke about Frank Feldman?that's funny,but without the curse.Heard the Joke about Frank Feldman?I know the feeling.Heard the Joke about Frank Feldman?umm.. dnt get it..?
The perfect man?
A man walks to the corner of Oxford Street and Regent Street in London during a downpour and somehow manages to get a taxi straight away.
He gets into the taxi, and the cabbie says: %26quot;Perfect timing. You're just like Stevie%26quot;
%26quot;Who?%26quot; says the man.
%26quot;Stevie Jones. He was a guy who did everything right. Like my taxi being vacant during a rainstorm. It would have happened for Stevie.%26quot;
%26quot;Well no one is perfect. There are always a few clouds over everybody,%26quot; the man replies.
%26quot;Not Stevie,%26quot; says cabbie. %26quot;He was a terrific athlete. He could have turned professional at golf or tennis and he danced like a West End star. He was handsome and sophisticated, more than George Clooney. He had a better body than Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime. He was something!%26quot;
%26quot;Somehow Stevie just new exactly how to make women happy,%26quot; the cabbie continues.
%26quot;He had a memory like a computer. Could remember everybody's birthday. He could fix anything. Not like me. I change a fuse and the whole street blacks out.%26quot;
%26quot;No wonder you remember him!%26quot; says the man.
%26quot;I never actually met Stevie,%26quot; admits cabbie.
%26quot;Then how do you know so much about him?%26quot; asks the man.
%26quot;After he died I married his wife.%26quot;The perfect man?ha ha ha funny
thanks for a laugh
10/10The perfect man?yeah, i quite liked that one.
good.The perfect man?FunnyThe perfect man?lol. nice one.The perfect man?LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!The perfect man?haha lol that was actually great
but the punch line could have had more .. delivery
but it was funny
=]The perfect man?It's quite a good one. :DThe perfect man?Very good, probably strike a chord with many people.The perfect man?LIKE IT.The perfect man?too true.lolThe perfect man?It's more towards sweet than funny actually =)The perfect man?He! he! very funny....The perfect man?That's cute, I gave you a star.The perfect man?Very funny!
Love it!
Thay do say you don`t know what you have till its gone!!!!!The perfect man? that was good...wish I could give you more than one star!The perfect man?liked that ..........%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;starThe perfect man?love it *The perfect man?come on!The perfect man?hahaha, very funny.The perfect man?Ha ha ha.!!!
Good one.!!!
Cheers for a laugh.!!!The perfect man?lol!!The perfect man?lolThe perfect man?good oneThe perfect man?haha i did'nt see the punchline coming ,cool oneThe perfect man?Poor guy!!The perfect man?Lmao
He gets into the taxi, and the cabbie says: %26quot;Perfect timing. You're just like Stevie%26quot;
%26quot;Who?%26quot; says the man.
%26quot;Stevie Jones. He was a guy who did everything right. Like my taxi being vacant during a rainstorm. It would have happened for Stevie.%26quot;
%26quot;Well no one is perfect. There are always a few clouds over everybody,%26quot; the man replies.
%26quot;Not Stevie,%26quot; says cabbie. %26quot;He was a terrific athlete. He could have turned professional at golf or tennis and he danced like a West End star. He was handsome and sophisticated, more than George Clooney. He had a better body than Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime. He was something!%26quot;
%26quot;Somehow Stevie just new exactly how to make women happy,%26quot; the cabbie continues.
%26quot;He had a memory like a computer. Could remember everybody's birthday. He could fix anything. Not like me. I change a fuse and the whole street blacks out.%26quot;
%26quot;No wonder you remember him!%26quot; says the man.
%26quot;I never actually met Stevie,%26quot; admits cabbie.
%26quot;Then how do you know so much about him?%26quot; asks the man.
%26quot;After he died I married his wife.%26quot;The perfect man?ha ha ha funny
thanks for a laugh
10/10The perfect man?yeah, i quite liked that one.
good.The perfect man?FunnyThe perfect man?lol. nice one.The perfect man?LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!The perfect man?haha lol that was actually great
but the punch line could have had more .. delivery
but it was funny
=]The perfect man?It's quite a good one. :DThe perfect man?Very good, probably strike a chord with many people.The perfect man?LIKE IT.The perfect man?too true.lolThe perfect man?It's more towards sweet than funny actually =)The perfect man?He! he! very funny....The perfect man?That's cute, I gave you a star.The perfect man?Very funny!
Love it!
Thay do say you don`t know what you have till its gone!!!!!The perfect man? that was good...wish I could give you more than one star!The perfect man?liked that ..........%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;starThe perfect man?love it *The perfect man?come on!The perfect man?hahaha, very funny.The perfect man?Ha ha ha.!!!
Good one.!!!
Cheers for a laugh.!!!The perfect man?lol!!The perfect man?lolThe perfect man?good oneThe perfect man?haha i did'nt see the punchline coming ,cool oneThe perfect man?Poor guy!!The perfect man?Lmao
The perfect man?........?
A man walks out to the street and catches a taxi just going by. He gets into the taxi, and the cabbie says, %26quot;Perfect timing, Mister! You're just like Frank.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;Who?%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;Frank Feldman. He's a guy who did everything right all the time. Like my coming along when you needed a cab, things happened like that to Frank Feldman every single time.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;There are always a few clouds over everybody.%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;Not Frank Feldman. He was a terrific athlete. He could have won the Grand-Slam at tennis. He could golf with the pros. He sang like an opera baritone and danced like a Broadway star and you should have heard him play the piano. He was an amazing guy.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;Sounds like he was something really special.%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;There's more! He had a memory like a computer. He remembered everybody%26quot;s birthday. He knew all about wine, which foods to order and which fork to eat them with. He could fix anything. Not like me. I change a fuse, and the whole street blacks out. But Frank Feldman, he could do everything right.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;Wow, some guy then.%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;He always knew the quickest way to go in traffic and avoid traffic jams. Not like me, I always seem to get stuck in them. But Frank, he never made a mistake, and he really knew how to treat a woman and make her feel good. He would never answer her back even if she was in the wrong; and his clothing was always immaculate, shoes highly polished too -- He was the perfect man! He never made a mistake. No one could ever measure up to Frank Feldman.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;An amazing fellow. How did you meet him?%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;Well, I never actually met Frank. He died and I married his damned widow.%26quot;
The perfect man?........?Worth the long read.The perfect man?........?i am.
Passenger: %26quot;Who?%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;Frank Feldman. He's a guy who did everything right all the time. Like my coming along when you needed a cab, things happened like that to Frank Feldman every single time.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;There are always a few clouds over everybody.%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;Not Frank Feldman. He was a terrific athlete. He could have won the Grand-Slam at tennis. He could golf with the pros. He sang like an opera baritone and danced like a Broadway star and you should have heard him play the piano. He was an amazing guy.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;Sounds like he was something really special.%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;There's more! He had a memory like a computer. He remembered everybody%26quot;s birthday. He knew all about wine, which foods to order and which fork to eat them with. He could fix anything. Not like me. I change a fuse, and the whole street blacks out. But Frank Feldman, he could do everything right.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;Wow, some guy then.%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;He always knew the quickest way to go in traffic and avoid traffic jams. Not like me, I always seem to get stuck in them. But Frank, he never made a mistake, and he really knew how to treat a woman and make her feel good. He would never answer her back even if she was in the wrong; and his clothing was always immaculate, shoes highly polished too -- He was the perfect man! He never made a mistake. No one could ever measure up to Frank Feldman.%26quot;
Passenger: %26quot;An amazing fellow. How did you meet him?%26quot;
Cabbie: %26quot;Well, I never actually met Frank. He died and I married his damned widow.%26quot;
The perfect man?........?Worth the long read.The perfect man?........?i am.
A man walks into the street and manages to get a taxi just going by.
He gets into the taxi, and the cabbie says, %26quot;Perfect timing. You're justlike Frank.%26quot; Passenger: %26quot;Who?%26quot; Cabbie: %26quot;Frank Feldman. He's a guy who did everything right all thetime. Like my coming along when you needed a cab, things happened likethat to Frank Feldman every single time.%26quot; Passenger: %26quot;There are always a few clouds over everybody.%26quot; Cabbie: %26quot;Not Frank Feldman. He was a terrific athlete. He could have wonthe Grand-Slam at tennis. He could golf with the pros. He sang like anopera baritone and danced like a Broadway star and you should have heardhim play the piano. He was an amazing guy.%26quot; Passenger: %26quot;Sounds like he was something really special Cabbie: %26quot;There's more... He had a memory like a computer . Couldremember everybody's birthday. He knew all about wine, which foods toorder and which fork to eat them with. He could fix anything. Not like me. I change a fuse, and the wholestreet blacks out. But Frank Feldman, he could do everything right.%26quot; Passenger. %26quot;Wow, some guy then.%26quot; Cabbie: %26quot;He always knew the quickest way to go in traffic and avoidtraffic jams. Not like me, I always seem to get stuck in them. ButFrank, he never made a mistake and he really knew how to treat a womanand make her feel good. He would never answer her back even if she was in the wrong; and hisclothing was always immaculate, shoes highly polished too - he was theperfect man! He never made a mistake. No one could ever measure up toFrank Feldman.%26quot; Passenger: %26quot;An amazing fellow. How did you meet him?%26quot; Cabbie: %26quot;Well, I never actually met Frank. I just married his f**kingwidow.%26quot;Taxi!.........?thats the best one of the day,have a starTaxi!.........?Ha if he was so perfect why did he dieTaxi!.........?GREAT question!! You have just officially made my weekend!
Have a star!;)Taxi!.........?When do we laugh?Taxi!.........?lol, good oneTaxi!.........?haha...the wife always compare them and of course she'll be on Frank's side... just to hurt her husband's feeling...Taxi!.........?Very good I liked it!!!
He gets into the taxi, and the cabbie says, %26quot;Perfect timing. You're justlike Frank.%26quot; Passenger: %26quot;Who?%26quot; Cabbie: %26quot;Frank Feldman. He's a guy who did everything right all thetime. Like my coming along when you needed a cab, things happened likethat to Frank Feldman every single time.%26quot; Passenger: %26quot;There are always a few clouds over everybody.%26quot; Cabbie: %26quot;Not Frank Feldman. He was a terrific athlete. He could have wonthe Grand-Slam at tennis. He could golf with the pros. He sang like anopera baritone and danced like a Broadway star and you should have heardhim play the piano. He was an amazing guy.%26quot; Passenger: %26quot;Sounds like he was something really special Cabbie: %26quot;There's more... He had a memory like a computer . Couldremember everybody's birthday. He knew all about wine, which foods toorder and which fork to eat them with. He could fix anything. Not like me. I change a fuse, and the wholestreet blacks out. But Frank Feldman, he could do everything right.%26quot; Passenger. %26quot;Wow, some guy then.%26quot; Cabbie: %26quot;He always knew the quickest way to go in traffic and avoidtraffic jams. Not like me, I always seem to get stuck in them. ButFrank, he never made a mistake and he really knew how to treat a womanand make her feel good. He would never answer her back even if she was in the wrong; and hisclothing was always immaculate, shoes highly polished too - he was theperfect man! He never made a mistake. No one could ever measure up toFrank Feldman.%26quot; Passenger: %26quot;An amazing fellow. How did you meet him?%26quot; Cabbie: %26quot;Well, I never actually met Frank. I just married his f**kingwidow.%26quot;Taxi!.........?thats the best one of the day,have a starTaxi!.........?Ha if he was so perfect why did he dieTaxi!.........?GREAT question!! You have just officially made my weekend!
Have a star!;)Taxi!.........?When do we laugh?Taxi!.........?lol, good oneTaxi!.........?haha...the wife always compare them and of course she'll be on Frank's side... just to hurt her husband's feeling...Taxi!.........?Very good I liked it!!!
Do You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?
A man walks into the street and manages to get a taxi just going by. He
gets into the taxi, and the cabbie says,
'Perfect timing. You're just like Frank.'
'Passenger: 'Who?'
楩rank. He's a guy who did everything right all the
time. Like my coming along when you needed a cab,
things happened like that to Frank every single time.'
'There are always a few clouds over everybody.'
'Not Frank. He was a terrific athlete. He could have won the Grand Slam at tennis. He could golf with the pros. He sang like an opera baritone and danced like a Broadway star and you should have heard him play the piano.
He was an amazing guy.
'Sounds like he was something really special.
'There's more... He had a memory like a computer. He could remember everybody's birthday. He knew all about wine, which foods to order and which fork to eat them with. He could fix anything. Not like me. I change a fuse, and the whole street blacks out. But Frank, he could do everything right.'
Passenger. 'Wow, some guy then.'
'He always knew the quickest way to go in traffic and avoid
traffic jams. Not like me, I always seem to get stuck in them. But
Frank, he never made a mistake, and he really knew how to treat a
woman and make her feel good. He would never answer her back even if she was in the wrong; and his clothing was always immaculate, shoes highly polished too -- he was the perfect man! He never made a mistake. No one could
ever measure up to Frank.'
'An amazing fellow. How did you meet him?'
'Well, I never actually met Frank. I just married his widow.'
Do You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?Star for you!
Do You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?hey jill i never met Frank but it seems as a worste froxs that you met...! it's no matter be in his lab and enjoy?HO HO HA...
Do You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?Erm it's quite funny, but after all that reading the punchline seemed a bit of letdown. Do You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?Not amazingly funny, but good all the same. Do You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?Frank Sinatra?
He sings, dances, and plays the piano.
And he always seemed to have good luck.
Do You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?I like that one Do You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?great joke very funny Do You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?its really not funnyDo You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?BrilliantDo You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?Very funny. Fantastic. From where you got this?
Its brilliant, extreme funny jokeDo You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?Very good its nice to have a clean funny oneDo You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?Very funnyDo You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?LOLDo You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?lol poor cabbie
hrheeheheheeeheehDo You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?hahahahahhahahahhahahhaDo You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?that one was funny :)Do You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?lol idk its funny but its too cleanDo You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?not lolDo You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?lol. geniusDo You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?i didn't laugh or chuckle at all
gets into the taxi, and the cabbie says,
'Perfect timing. You're just like Frank.'
'Passenger: 'Who?'
楩rank. He's a guy who did everything right all the
time. Like my coming along when you needed a cab,
things happened like that to Frank every single time.'
'There are always a few clouds over everybody.'
'Not Frank. He was a terrific athlete. He could have won the Grand Slam at tennis. He could golf with the pros. He sang like an opera baritone and danced like a Broadway star and you should have heard him play the piano.
He was an amazing guy.
'Sounds like he was something really special.
'There's more... He had a memory like a computer. He could remember everybody's birthday. He knew all about wine, which foods to order and which fork to eat them with. He could fix anything. Not like me. I change a fuse, and the whole street blacks out. But Frank, he could do everything right.'
Passenger. 'Wow, some guy then.'
'He always knew the quickest way to go in traffic and avoid
traffic jams. Not like me, I always seem to get stuck in them. But
Frank, he never made a mistake, and he really knew how to treat a
woman and make her feel good. He would never answer her back even if she was in the wrong; and his clothing was always immaculate, shoes highly polished too -- he was the perfect man! He never made a mistake. No one could
ever measure up to Frank.'
'An amazing fellow. How did you meet him?'
'Well, I never actually met Frank. I just married his widow.'
Do You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?Star for you!
Do You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?hey jill i never met Frank but it seems as a worste froxs that you met...! it's no matter be in his lab and enjoy?HO HO HA...
Do You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?Erm it's quite funny, but after all that reading the punchline seemed a bit of letdown. Do You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?Not amazingly funny, but good all the same. Do You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?Frank Sinatra?
He sings, dances, and plays the piano.
And he always seemed to have good luck.
Do You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?I like that one Do You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?great joke very funny Do You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?its really not funnyDo You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?BrilliantDo You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?Very funny. Fantastic. From where you got this?
Its brilliant, extreme funny jokeDo You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?Very good its nice to have a clean funny oneDo You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?Very funnyDo You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?LOLDo You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?lol poor cabbie
hrheeheheheeeheehDo You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?hahahahahhahahahhahahhaDo You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?that one was funny :)Do You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?lol idk its funny but its too cleanDo You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?not lolDo You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?lol. geniusDo You Know Frank ? ? ? ? ? ? Ha ha ha?i didn't laugh or chuckle at all
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